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100 million. I showed it to Thomas since he is my dad and Mia too
Thomas: WOAH!
Me: I haven't checked it in 2 months how should I know
Then Jack accidentally saw
Jack: No way!
Me: I don't know way
I took it away and Nick accidentally saw
Nick: WHAT?
Me: I don't believe this either
Larri: What the fuck is going on?
Me: Nothing you should know about. Don't tell anyone. You guys
Larri: UUUU is my bitch rich
Me: Kinda
Thomas: Yes she is
Larri: How much?
Thomas: 100 million
Larri: BITCH
Me: If you kindly not tell anyone
Everyone: Okay
Me: How did I even raise this much in 2 months?
Larri: You literally save the world
Me: Meh, true
Then I leaned on Nicks shoulder. We arrived at the restaurant after 1 hour of driving. We got paparazzi and our bodyguards managed to stop them.
Me: Thanks guys
Caleb: It's nothing
We sat down and ate. I payed for everyone including the guards and we got to our hotel room.

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