Chapter 44 - Forgive Me

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The school flew by her eyes in a spiral of blurred colors and the voices calling out to her remained anything but a distant buzzing in her ears. The fingers that point at her and the wondering eyes that stumbled across her frazzled form was nothing but a tickle at the back of her brain.

Whenever they momentarily became clear to her she would blink rapidly to ignore the curious and stunned faces of her peers around her, but every time the black grim would cover the light shining into her eyes as if it were a curtain the only shadowy image in her brain that was created was one of her father towering over her dull colored best friends, drenched in a faded crimson.

Step by step Kennedy blinked and swiped away her tears she wished would go away. Then she opened her eyes over and clenched them shut and over again while she stumbled up the first flight of stairs on the grand staircase.

Her throat clenched shut and her lungs burned. The air she desperately wanted to breathe kept getting caught in her throat leading for gags and chokes to be heard from her as she clutched the stair railing tightly.

She tripped over a stair when the case she stood on swung to the side, leaving her to collapse into the railing behind her. A groan would have slid from her tongue normally, but since her air was so limited and her vision was growing blurred her chest and eyes burned, screaming for an ounce of relief.

Sobs shook her body as she felt her chest heating up at an unbearable pace. The more she felt this pooling heat, the more her lungs would clench. The more her lungs would clench, the more her tears would fall. And the more her tears would fall, the more her necklace would glow.

Students passing by gathered on the stairs gazing upward and downward at the girl who had collapsed and created a scene. More piled by the entrances to the staircase until there were roughly a hundred gazing at the girl.

Though one in particular caused them all to jump.

Kennedy hadn't noticed but her savior had arrived.

A loud howling scream was the only thing Kennedy could hear when she was enveloped into a tight hug against someone's body. It was unexpected so her first reaction was to fight against her captor relentlessly, but when she felt two hands grab her face she was able to see.

Through her blurred and foggy vision she could see a wave of silver hair floating to the side next to a pale girl who's eyes she could tell were wide and panicked. Kennedy continued to choke on air and grab at her necklace that continued to glow and burn her insides, though her energy was limited and she for what ever reason couldn't bring herself to rip it off.

In a spit second Maisie hollered for someone nearby, for anyone to help her take her best friend away from the judging eyes of students surrounding her. Most of there friends had already left for Hogsmeade much like eighty percent of the school except for one.

Gabrielle Reith.

This shaggy haired boy dropped down in front of her next to Maisie and swiftly pulled her into his arms with one wide swipe. He stood quickly while Maisie barked orders at people to get there lazy no good son of a bitch asses off the stairs so they could help there fellow schoolmate.

If anyone knew Maisie, which both Kennedy and Gabrielle did, they would know that when it came to Kennedy or Cedric, she would do or say absolutely anything to get them help. Even if that meant the possibility of having to cut a few heads off and go to Azkaban for the rest of her life.

In fact, Maisie would have become exactly like Kennedy's father if it had meant that she knew her best friend was okay.

With that being said the sea of students apart as if a giant pair of scissors had cut through the crowd of students who blocked there pathway to the safety of the Gryffindor dormitories.

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