Chapter 17 - A Years End

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      When the professors had finally found the two children they had come across Kennedy cradling Harry in her arms as she was bent over trying to support herself. The girl was protectively holding herself over the younger boy in hopes to keep the flames that grew around them away from him.

Kennedy's clothes were singed in multiple places and she had a few burns and scraped across her body, but overall she seemed to be relatively okay. The professors main focus was on Harry who seemed to be in a mild coma from whatever had occurred down in the far parts of the castle.

The group of professors had to pry Harry from Kennedy's arms as she was to out of sorts to process if the professors were just another illusion she was having from smoke inhalation or if they were actually there to help.

Snape held Harry tightly in his arms while Dumbledore walked alongside the man to check on Harry's immediate health. Meanwhile Professor McGonagall tend to Kennedy by assisting her in walking behind the men who's soul focus was the Potter boy.

McGonagall grew slightly fretful of Kennedy's state since no matter how many times the professor asked what had happened, Kennedy only stared to Harry who lay limp In Snape's arms.

There was no use in asking anymore questions to Kennedy since her main priority seemed to be making sure Harry was okay. McGonagall had to say she admired Kennedy for her persistence in keeping the boy in her view especially when she was covered in a few nasty burns and scrapes.

By the time they finally arrived to the hospital wing Madam Pomfrey had began to fuss over the state Harry was in, highly concerned for his health. Once Snape had placed Harry on his cot, Kennedy had tried to sit beside him when McGonagall gripped her shoulders to take her to a cot of her own right beside Harry's.

Kennedy sat straight up on her cot with her hands intertwined as she watched Harry being cared for. Kennedy knew she would be alright since she really only had a migraine and a bit of scrapes along her arms. She didn't even notice the burning sensation along her spine and how it stung to inhale small breaths of air.

McGonagall had her arms wrapped around Kennedy in hopes to comfort the young girl who blankly stared at the scene of chaos emitting around her. The women hummed a low tune in her ear to try and distract her but even the professor knew it was no use.

Hermione and Ron sat at the edge of Kennedy's bed with a few bandages of their own. They too watched Harry as he was settled into his cot and tucked into bed with a few different bandages about his body.

By the time they had finished prepping Harry for his rest the sun was to rise within the next few hours. Snape and Dumbledore had long since left, leaving McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey to tend to Kennedy who currently lay on her stomach with the back of her shirt lift up.

Both Ron and Hermione were told to leave to their dorms for some rest before the day was to start, only for Kennedy to tell them both to inform her friends of where she had been.

Kennedy bit her tongue as Madam Pomfrey's boney fingers grazed along her burns to apply some sort of herbal mixture she had created moments ago.

"I know this burns, but I had to make a fresh batch so I apologize if it's a bit strong." The women state as she watched Kennedy groan into the pillow underneath her face.

"I think strong is an understatement." Kennedy mumbled as the women put a smear onto another burn of hers causing her to hiss out.

"Oh hush, your situation could be much worse Ms. Locket." McGonagall said as she pressed the back on Kennedy's head down into the pillow in front of her.

The rest of the day consist of Kennedy constantly being surrounded by a curtain since she had result in taking her long sleeve off so it was easier for Madam Pomfrey to tend to her burns throughout the day.

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