Chapter 9 - Super Witch Kennedy

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The sun blared through the glass windows of the hospital wing as the sounds of whining and sniffling children echoed through the open area full of comfy little cots that were littered with sick and injured children.

Madam Pomfrey hustled about the room tending to every cry of need since she was the only available care taker at the time. So she didn't quite notice the slight movement that came from a cot nearest to the door.

Kennedy lay in the cot, the sun warming her slightly as her fingers twitched and her eyes clenched ever so slightly.

She didn't quite open her eyes right away as the sounds around her went from a low murmur that float into her ears to a blaring sting that cut through her skull.

Squeezing her eyes tightly Kennedy clenched and unclenched her hands as she pulled her shoulder blades back into a long stretch. Though she had to stop due to a throbbing feeling that emit from her neck and through her upper shoulders.

A low grunt escaped her mouth as she slowly got herself to open her eyes every so slightly only to clench them shut once again due to the sun shocking her eyes.

Moving her sore arm Kennedy brought her hand to her face to lessen the amount of light that would hurt her eyes, and she opened them again. She still had them squint but she was able to see better then she had before, though her vision still wasn't perfect.

Feeling the sudden weight of a hand on her shoulder Kennedy looked to her side to see none other then Professor McGonagall sitting beside her with a concerned expression plastered onto her face.

"Oh, easy now. Not to much movement from that head of yours till Madam Pomfrey checks you over, okay?" Minerva whispered as to not startled the girl who seemed to flinch when the kid next to her coughed or sneezed.

Confused as to where she was Kennedy slowly blinked so she wouldn't strain her eyes as she looked around her to see herself in what she assumed was the hospital wing that had been lit up by the sunlight that traveled in through all of the windows.

Swallowing dryly with cracked lips Kennedy looked to the end of her bed to see a small little vase of orange, dark purple, yellow and dark red flowers with a small pouch of wiggling worms placed in front of it and a tiny note that she could vaguely make out the names 'Fred and George' signed on the front.

To the left of the vase sat a small teddy bear with a red ribbon tied around its belly with little glasses on its face, another small card next to it that said 'From Ron, Hermione and Harry' in neat handwriting so she could assume Hermione had written it. Then there was a small woven bracelet that she knew to be from Maisie who always was making them.

Swallowing once more Kennedy looked back to the professor who watched her carefully when all of the sudden Kennedy croaked out one word.

"Water." She mutter pointing to a small cup that lay in a cart to the left of her bed. The professor quickly reached over the girl and pored her a small glass of water. Gently the professor brought the cup to Kennedy's split lip and helped her drink.

Wincing ever so slightly from the sting on her lip, the sound of rushed footsteps was heard to the left of her when a slightly flustered Madam Pomfrey arrived at her side.

"Oh, good! Your awake. How're you feeling sweetheart? Where's it hurt?" The women whispered gently as she checked over the bandages that wrapped around Kennedy's head.

Clearing her throat every so slightly Kennedy struggled to get her words out, but finally was able to form a sentence.

"Like... I just got sat on.. by Hagrid." She breathed out while she gently gave a sarcastic smile to the care taker who had to hide her giggles from Minerva who gently scold the girl.

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