Chapter 105 - Dancing Flames

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With the familiar feeling of her feet leaving the floor Kennedy's world went from solid images to blurred smears of a paintbrush crossing over her vision. Though just as she had remembered, the feeling was swept away while the feeling of solid ground his her feet.

Normally she would have stumbled from the feeling but since Sirius had his arm wrapped firmly around her shoulders she had no room to fall forward or backward. The man waited a split second for her to get her foothold on being a solid mass again, and once she had he removed his arm while offering her a brief smile.

Kennedy returned it while adjusting her grip on the bag in her hand. As per usual she didn't have all that much with her, but according to Sirius Molly said that she had kept some of her older clothes here for just incase purposes.

So really Kennedy hadn't needed to leave clothes for the women in one of her run away bags, but she hadn't known at the time and needed to get a move along with things before she had been caught. Which ironically had been only a little while later.

With a newfound excitement rolling through her Kennedy glanced to her right to see both Remus and Tonks grinning knowingly to her, causing a very light tint of pink to cross over Kennedy's cheeks and even slightly at the tip of her nose.

Only now did she really notice how tired Remus had looked, but with a lively Tonks by his side rubbing his back carefully Kennedy decided that he would be fine for now.

Seeing the attention he had been given from the girl, Remus gave his head a slight nudge to urge Kennedy to knock on the front door and get this whole thing moving along. With a small pursed lip smile Kennedy set her bag down and walked toward the door listening intently for any sign of a certain young man that had taken her heart.

"Oh, come on now Ronnie-kins! You can't be that daft." Kennedy heard Fred's voice ring through the household from the kitchen area.

She briefly heard Ron respond as he and Fred continued to go back and forth about something along the lines of a girl named Lavender, though a booming laugh from the kitchen made Kennedy's stomach do about a hundred flips within two seconds.

Kennedy's smile spread widely across her face, and since she hadn't smiled that widely in ages the skin covering her cheeks ached from the sudden stretching.

As quickly as Kennedy's fist could get itself to move she brought it up to the wood and pounded it against the door. The once loud babbling from in the house immediately went silent, and whispering just barely leaked through the cracks of the wood.

Confused Kennedy glanced to the three adults standing behind her, though Sirius held up a hand to tell her to be patient. While her head was turned she heard the sound of blinds dropping closed and suddenly the noise from inside burst into full volume once more.

Though the more apparent noise that Kennedy heard was Molly screeching and yelling at George from almost causing her to burn her hand on the hot stove top. A loud apology was shout from the boy's lips and soon his feet came barreling towards the door.

Kennedy started stepping from foot to foot and played with her fingers as the noise came to a halt being replaced by the rattling of the door handle.

By now the once little nerves she felt were completely gone, and now as the door swung open the biggest smile on her face was found as the oh so familiar arms or her lover wrapped firmly around her waist, pulling her into a firm chest.

Kennedy jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around George's neck, taking a deep inhale to relish in the way he smelled. Not a thing had changed since she saw him last and she couldn't have been any happier then she was in this very moment.

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