Chapter 51 - Hogsmeade

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The rest of the day flew by relatively quickly and Kennedy had just finished filling out a few pieces of parchment worth of notes from the few classes she had that day. After a long, grueling day of quidditch practice and some miscommunications with her peers and the time they were going to study, Kennedy was now sat in front of the crackling fire in the common room with her back pressed against the couch.

Her arms and legs were exhausted from the amount of running around Oliver had them do and he even took into consideration some of Angelina's new plays which meant a whole lot of swears from Wood when Fred and George decided to mess about and sneak away from practice to get some Pumpkin juice for everyone.

True to his nature, Oliver ended up freaking out over this and extended practice another hour and a half when they all had already been practicing for roughly two hours. Not only that, but it had been raining once again, so Kennedy had taken it upon herself to take a shower before she started to study.

With her quill packed away and her notes neatly stacked Kennedy let out a happy sigh while she pushed the parchment back into her book bag.

She had been studying for a few hours now and had only just finished. Her brain was practically mush as she stared groggily into the fire in front of her, an orange glow illuminating every single feature on her face.

Vaguely she could here the door to the common room open but she wasn't to bothered by it, so she continued to hum to herself as she lent backward and let her head rest against the couch cushions.

"Hey Kenny." Fred hummed as he sat to her left while George obnoxiously fell backward onto the couch, causing Kennedy's neck to be bounced around some.

"Oi," Kennedy state as she turned some to look at George who smiled back at her. "A warning would've been nice, thank you."

"You're welcome." He respond nonchalantly leading to Kennedy to stick her tongue out at him.

"What are you up to?" Fred questioned as he glanced from her to the fireplace.

"I just finished a crap ton of notes and am awaiting tomorrow to arrive so we can go to Hogsmeade and by more useless crap!" She state with a smile as she stretched her tight limbs out.

"More sweets from Honeydukes, perhaps?" Fred asked with a nudge to her shoulder.

"Possibly." She laughed. "But we will see! I snuck out with Maisie a little bit ago and got some-"

"You snuck out to Hogsmeade?" George asked with surprise.

"..Maybe.." She mumbled as she chuckled gently.

"We've influenced her far to much over the years Freddie." George state with a shake of his head as he propped his legs up on the arm of the couch.

"Potentially, but I think its great. Just another trait we adore about her, huh?" Fred questioned with a playful smirk to his brother who scoffed in response.

"Of course you would openly flirt with her Fred." George snickered.

"What?" Kennedy laughed as she looked to Fred who shrugged in response.

"You boy's are far to much to handle." She continued.

"Yet you've stuck with us since first year." George smirked as he ruffled her damp hair.

"I couldn't have escaped even if I had wanted to." She huffed as she pat down her hair.

"You know it." Fred winked.


The next day Kennedy and Maisie were walking together alongside Lee down the path towards Hogsmeade since Fred and George said they would catch up in a few while Cedric got himself busy chasing down Leighton and Gabrielle who decided it would be funny to run away with his scarf that his grandmother had knit him for the occasion.

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