Chapter 80 - The Black Lake

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Two days had passed by, leaving Kennedy in her room where she put on her Gryffindor one-piece swimsuit that she was given to wear for the task that was to happen in fifteen minutes. Her fingers were wiggling constantly as she stared in the mirror gazing into her own eyes.

Of course, she was nervous, she hadn't had a clue what to expect of the next task. Though what had worried her more was the fact that she hadn't seen George all day.

In fact, nobody had.

He promised to talk her out to the dock before her task, but he had yet to show up escort her.

The clock in her room continued to tick forward, counting down the seconds till Kennedy would be forced to leave her room and go to the dock where she would be forced to jump into a lake and drink a potion that she wasn't even sure would work.

Kennedy has been believed that was what had been worrying her, but her inner subconscious knew differently. Something bad was to come, and she wasn't even aware of this feeling other than the subtle discomfort she felt daily, but to her, it was masked by her nerves for each task.

Her hand moved to fix the strap on her shoulder and she the hair on her head before she stepped back and tossed on an old flannel she had and tossed on her sandals so she could rush to her bedroom door.

As she swung the door open she took a step out and immediately ran into a firm chest, causing her to gasp lightly.

"Woah there, slow your roll, Kenny." George chuckled as he situate his hands firmly on her shoulders.

By hearing his voice Kennedys brows shot up and a small smile formed on her face.

"George! Where have you been? I thought you forgot." Kennedy said to the boy who rolled his eyes and scoffed at the girl.

"Me? Forget about you? Doubtful." He respond with a playful tone that made Kennedy laugh lightly as the boy wrapped his arm around her shoulders to guide her away from the door so he could shut it.

"But to answer your question I've been with the family all day. Well, most of them anyway. Ginny, Ron, Fred, and I got a letter from mom and dad stating it was mandatory to spend time with them before the task start, and they mentioned how I've got to bring you to see them after the task otherwise I would not be getting presents next year." George state with pursed lips.

Kennedy let out a small smile as the two wandered down a couple of halls towards the grand staircase where they would then head towards the black lake.

"I assume she mentioned something about a gift?" Kennedy questioned the boy whose face dropped.

"How'd you know?"

"She sent me a letter last night asking what cookie was me and Maisie's favorite. Also what candles we prefer since last week I told her the room gets a bit stuffy-"

"Do you and mom just have casual conversations all the time?" George interrupt with a small smirk on his face.

"Yup!" Kennedy smiled in satisfaction. "Have been since third year on the down-low."

"The what?"

"Nothing," Kennedy mumbled while scratching the side of her nose as they grew closer to the door leading out to the lake.

"Whatever weirdo."

"Says the idiot." Kennedy snort out while George sucked in his lips trying to fight the smile pulling on his face.

"That was very rude of you, you know?"

"Does it look like I care?" Kennedy respond as she hopped down the last set of stairs in front of the door that they then walked through,

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