Chapter 58 - A New Chapter

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Upon a hill not to far from Hagrid's hut, Kennedy stood staring into the distance with nothing on her mind but the sound of the axe swinging through the air. It echoed in her mind causing shivers to roll up and down her back.

Sadness was nothing but a distant thought, and now she was forced to behold regret. She couldn't have done anything and she knew that, but deep down Kennedy knew that was a lie.

There was always a way.

And she feared that she took the easy way out.

That being said, she had let Soot's best friend be executed and taken away from the world without so much as a blink of her eyes. There were probably many things she could have done to stop it, but they would have all taken up so much of her time and she was selfish to give any of that up.

She had so little time now a days. On top of studying, maintaining her friendships, taking care of Soot in his time of need, training as well as putting on a 'goodie twoshoes' façade for the ministry. her days had began to blend together.

Some nights she'd sleep, others she wouldn't.

Some day's she'd eat, some days she wouldn't.

The worst part was the fact that these were only her OWL's. Her NEWTs were only a little more then two years away and she wasn't by any means prepared for them. The time would come when she would have to face it, but when that time came she had a feeling deep down that she would have to sacrifice more then she wanted to pass that exam.

In fact right now she was supposed to be in the great hall with Cedric, Milo, Lee, Alicia, George and Fred so they could go drag Maisie down to the library for a good study session, but she couldn't bring herself to go down there.

It wasn't that she didn't want to see her friends, in fact it sucked to not go and see them before curfew would hit and they would all be called to the great hall for dinner, but she didn't have the mindset to sit and study with them all.

Not that Fred and George would study, but you get the point.

So as the wind brushed through her locks of hair and the sun slowly lost its shine behind the distant mountains, Kennedy finally called it a night.

With one last glance at to where the sun used to be painted Kennedy turned to face Soot who was watching her carefully. He still seemed to be very upset, but she knew he was to proud to do anything to show it.

He sniffed in her direction when she walked towards him, delivering a small kiss to his beak. The animal purred in delight only to stand and offer her his wing to climb up on. In the distance she could faintly hear Hagrid clanging his pots together to tell her he needed to get her back to the front of the school so McGonagall could walk her to dinner.

Silently Kennedy crawled up Soot's strong wing where she slowly made her way to his shoulders and the base of his neck. With her legs gently clamped around him, she pat his neck signaling for him to take flight.

Soot glanced back at her to make sure she was set properly on him before he took one big step back. Without anything else in mind the creature took one big leap off the hill.

Flying higher and higher till eventually they disappeared into the clouds.


Three days have gone by and the only thing Kennedy could think about was why there was this weird emptiness inside of her. Nothing bad had happened to her that she knew of and in fact she was feeling good for once.

She had eaten an entire meal that day, drank a bunch of water and was currently sat in the stands around the pitch with Madam Hooch flying not to far from her while she watched Gryffindor's team practice.

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