Chapter 73 - A Plateful

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Kennedy was laying on one of the tables in the great hall staring up at the ceiling as she tossed an apple in the air only to catch it as it plummet down back towards her. Her friends we chatting amongst themselves about their Hogsmeade trip any minute now, but Kennedy remained with a monotone expression on her face as she listened to their chatter.

Why? Because she wasn't going to be able to go and shop for dresses with her friends. And as much as she despised dresses, she was kind of looking forward to treating herself to something new.

It wasn't like she was forbidden to go to Hogsmeade, but she would have to have a Professor escort her around. And she didn't want to bring that upon her friends and prevent them from having a good time, so she made the decision that she would stay.

"Hey, you've been pretty quiet, what's going on in that crazy old head of yours?" George asked in a lower tone as he looked down to her.

A small blush whisked upon Kennedy's face as she realized the closeness of the boy, but she shook it off and kept the eye contact they were holding.

"It's nothing much." She tried but when George rolled his eyes Kennedy chuckled. "Okay, fine. A lot of things like Cedric's dad never got back to me about Soot who I haven't seen in forever, the next task is coming really close and I have yet to figure out how what this 'message' supposedly is on top of the fact that I won't be going to this trip."

George furrowed his brow's as the table suddenly fell silent.

"What do you mean you're not going?" Alicia asked.

"You most definitely are going if Maisie and I are being dragged into this." Katie state back to her.

Kennedy sighed and propped herself up on her forearms as she looked to her friends scattered amongst the table.

"I'm not going because if I go I'll have to have either McGonagall with me or Snape, and I'd rather not ruin all of your dress and suit shopping just because I have to be babysat." Kennedy explained while her friends still remained persistent.

"Well... you and I snuck out before, how hard could it be to do it again?" Maisie asked as she pushed Kennedy's foot lightly.

"Because May," Cedric started. "She would most likely have her permission to partake in the ball away."

"Would that be the worst thing? She doesn't really want to go in the first place." Maisie continued on.

"It's not that I don't want to go, It's just not something I would typically want to do." Kennedy comment while Maisie shrugged.

"So... what? Are you just not going to go then?" Angelina questioned from beside George who frowned as he shared a look with Fred.

"No, it isn't out of the picture. I'll just see if Nova could accompany me sometime down their during one of out training sessions or something. Don't worry guy's, I'll figure it out."

"You better!" Lee state as he poked Kennedy's knee. "I planned on boogying with you on the dance floor."

"Boogying?" Fred asked.

"Yeah!" Lee smiled innocently while Katie shook her head.

"Never say that again please." She mumbled.


"It's weird." Katie state while Lee huffed.

McGonagall arrived soon after their conversation ended and she made sure to grab everyone's permission slips that had been signed before sending them out of the school in the general direction of the path to Hogsmeade.

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