Chapter 84 - Discovering Deadlock

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Gasps left Kennedy's mouth as her hot tears continued to stream down her face. Her head felt heavy, pounding and crying for a sense of relief. It didn't help that the blood dripping from her ears to her jawline down to the base of her neck was itching her skin at the base of her neck that was sore and tense.

Her back was cramping some but it was far more bearable then what she had been feeling. Quiet sobs tiptoed out of her mouth as her jaw remained clenched. As much as everything had stopped that had happened to her moments ago there was still a nagging reminder that she could easily snap at any second.

So in this moment Kennedy was almost grateful she couldn't hear anything, otherwise she feared that she would do something terrible. Something she could and would never forgive herself for doing.

Her senses were heightened with her touch and smell, though her eyes saw how she heard the world.

Muffled; blurred.

And she was scared. Though she would never admit it.

She felt the floor vibrate under her and she could vaguely see a blurred figured come at her. She knew it was Cedric due to the honey and vanilla aroma he put off through his cologne.

Hands cradled her face and soon enough a smaller blur appeared in front of her, and she knew it to be harry with the mass of black hair upon his head.

Their mouth's were moving but she couldn't tell what they were saying. She could feel Cedric's vocal vibrations humming against his finger tips but that was about all she could sense of him other then his warm touch.

Cedric turned to Harry with a pause, another muffled sound coming form his tone before he stood, pulling Kennedy up with him.

Kennedy blinked hard having no clue where they were, but she desperately wanted nothing more then to crawl into her bed right now and sleep.

'What are you doing?' The voice in her said loud and clear and Kennedy jumped so high she was surprised Cedric didn't notice as he pulled her along through- well, wherever they were.

'I-I... where am I? Why can't I see o-or hear? How can I hear you when I can't hear them?' Kennedy thought to herself, or better yet "the voice."

'I shut down your sense of hearing and your sight. If I hadn't you would have freaked out.' The voice said.

'You did this- what the hell?! Turn it back on!'

'I cannot, the damage is done. Another trial is what you shall face, and you must use what senses you have to protect your friends.'

Kennedy physically furrowed her brows and she could just tell Cedric and Harry were looking at her weirdly as she tripped and stumbled over rocks and mounds of dirt.

'What do you mean? Better yet, who are you? I don't understand-'

'There is no time. Do what you must. You decide the fate of your friends now.' The voice pushed on vaguely leaving Kennedy a mass of confusion.

'Can I at least know your name?!' She screamed in her mind, but there was no answer as she looked to Cedric who seemed to point at a glowing blue blurb that Kennedy assumed was the cup.

Harry seemed to grow frantic as he spun around and began to push Kennedy and Cedric towards the cup but Cedric was all to worried about the boy for his own good.

A burning pulse went down Kennedy's spine, disabling her as she fell to the floor in a heap.

"Kennedy?!" Cedric screeched as he fell to the floor pulling the girl into his lap.

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