Chapter 117 - Feathers Falling

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I apologize again for the awful grammar and bad spelling. I will go back and edit these, I just really am trying to get them posted so when I'm on my trip driving places I can just quickly edit them while on the road! :)

Roughly a week had passed since the wedding and the Weasley house was back in order and far less crowded. Alicia, Cedric, Angelina, and Katie all went back to there homes just after promising to come back and visit here very soon, especially since they had all agreed to join the order since they were desperate for anyone they could get which meant they would be at meeting whenever they would happen.

The group had spent plenty of time together and had managed to play so much quidditch that some of the wheat behind the house was permanently bent over from the amount of back and forth flying they had done.

Not only that, but they had played so much quidditch that everyone who owned a uniform had gone and tossed their old ones back on. Kennedy of course felt quite odd wearing her uniform since it was fairly small, but it did make her feel like she hadn't ever stopped playing.

On the last day that the small group was visiting they all had a small campfire at the front of the house and told stories of there last year and a half, almost two years apart. Both Katie and Angelina had been accepted to join a professional quidditch league while Alicia spent most of her time working a business in the wizarding world that exports herbs and such around to different schools and shops.

Cedric on the other hand had continued to travel around with his father and some of his newer business partners, but with everything that had been going on they had to postpone a recent travel and had decided to stay home for awhile.

Which, of course, was how Cedric had even had to opportunity to come here in the first place.

Nothing new had really happened other then the fact that been looking to get a puppy to expand their small family and get used to being responsible with one another while looking after a dependent creature.

To say the least, Kennedy was super happy for all of them. They all managed to make a smooth transition from Hogwarts to the real world and still managed to make time to see one another even amongst there crazy lives.

Katie even had even managed to squeak out a 'minor' detail that Lee and her had just gotten engaged about three days before Bill and Fleurs wedding, and she immediately when given the chance had asked for Maisie, Alicia, Angelina and Kennedy to be her bridesmaids. She also slid in that Lee had wanted George and Fred to be his best men while Gabriel, Leighton and Cedric would be the other groomsmen.

Katie then went on to add that the numbers would in fact be even because Milo had request that he be apart of the bridesmaids just to make the numbers even since his OCD wouldn't handle it any other way.

This news had started a bunch of small conversations that mixed in with giggles and snorts about Milo and his new boyfriend and how they were doing. And soon enough the entire group was ranting to one another about there love life and couples would playfully bicker back and forth.

The entire night had been wonderful for there last night, and Kennedy had given herself quite the pat on the back for getting Maisie to talk it out with Cedric.

Though she had been quite livid when she found out Maisie never actually confessed to Leighton and had instead had just completely blown him off up until the night of the campfire into the next morning.

And as soon as Cedric had left she pretend like nothing had ever happened. Of course she had the choice to do that, but Kennedy now had vowed to bug Maisie about it a few times everyday until the girl would finally just confess.

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