Chapter 63 - Triwizard Tournament

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"Will you all leave me alone? It's been a long few days." Kennedy grumbled as she set the last bit of her belongings in a pile outside the Gryffindor common room. Ever since she had step foot onto the school grounds everyone was bugging her about why her hand was wrapped up and why she looked like she had just gotten into a brutal battle with a troll.


And by everyone, she meant everyone. Lee, Angelina, Katie, Alicia, Milo, Benny, Gabrielle and Leighton were all up her arse and were pestering her more specifically about the boot mark slathered across her face. They only new it was a boot because you could distinctly see the heel and all the 'x' patters across it.

Fred, George, Maisie and Cedric were also there, but they kind of just sat to the side and let everything fall into place.

"Kennedy- get over here you little worm!" Katie grumbled as she followed the girl into the common room. "And why are you leaving your crap outside? Merlin knows that little rat Malfoy will come over and toss it down the stairs."

Kennedy only continued further into the room where she collapsed onto the couch as everyone followed in foot, minus Cedric, Leighton, Milo, Gabrielle and Benny who were leaning against the brick doorway while they stared in.

"Come on Kennedy! You cant avoid us forever!" Gabrielle hollered through the small doorway with annoyance in his tone.

"I'm not avoiding!" Kennedy bit back as she was surround by her fellow Gryffindor peers. "I'm just... momentarily stalling having to explain myself more then I need to."

"What?" Lee state with confusion.

"What do you mean 'more then I need to'?" Alicia questioned from where she stood by Katie who was sitting on Lee's lap beside Kennedy on the couch.

"Arthur- er, Mr. Weasley told me that I'm going to have to go to a conference with Dumbledore, a few Ministry officials and Nova to explain everything in complete detail about what had happened." Kennedy answered.

"So it's serious then?" She could here Leighton call out from the small doorway.

"At this point is it even surprising?" Maisie laughed from behind Kennedy only to receive a flick to the hand from said girl.

"Wait, wait, wait. I'm confused." Angelina said as she ran a hand down her face. "Did it involve your dad?"

"Father." Fred correct from the wall by the door where he and George stood.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Angelina asked with annoyance in her tone.

"Kennedy doesn't believe he deserves the title 'Dad' because to her that's someone who raised you and would do anything and everything for you. So she calls him her 'Father' since he biologically is, but he would never be anything more then that to her." George added on while Fred nodded along to his statement.

"Understandable. I don't call my stepfather 'Dad' just yet because he hasn't gained my complete trust." Benny said.

"Your mom got married?" Alicia asked as she turned her attention to the doorway.

"Yeah! Just this summer." Benny said with an adorable smile.

"Oh. Congrats to her then!" She state which Benny thanked her on behalf of his mom.

"At least you have a mom. My dad is a pain in my ass." Milo grumbled as he crossed his arms, leaving Cedric to face palm with a smirk on his face since he already knew what Kennedy was about to say.

"Yeah, well I'll do you both one better. At least you have a mom or a dad. I got the raw end of the deal." Kennedy state causing the room to fall deadly silent.

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