Chapter 106 - The Next Avenger

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Within seconds Kennedy was on her feet, her new yet familiar instincts kicking in. George yelled out to her from a few feet behind, but by the time they both reached the door Kennedy was out standing beside Arthur who was in a panicked frenzy.

Flames lit the darkened sky, threatening to burn every inch of the vale down until the sun rose where it then would leave a foggy grey aftermath floating idly in the sky. The flames hissed and whispered at the surrounding of the household that trembled underneath the harsh threat of being torn down.

Shining heavily against Kennedy's hazel eyes were orange flames licking up every bit of grain in front of her, swishing and flicking like harsh whips being slung toward them to keep the mob of human at bay.

The smell was harsh and stung Kennedy's nostrils the larger the flame got. The only thing she could notice apart from the smell was the fact that an opening had been and where Harry was disappearing into the vast carpet of virgin wheat, completely untouched by flame.

The pounding of Kennedy's heart was back, and then so was the clock. Ticking timelessly in her brain reminding her that every second count these days. Whether it was five, or whether it was ten, every split second was a either a risk or a reward.

Constantly Kennedy felt as though she was racing the clock, though she had never been told the arrival or end time.

A rush of air tickled against Kennedy's ear and a flash of light crossed her vision of a girl with flaming locks of hair disappeared into the crowd of fire, barely being missed as it closed it's door's resulting in the last of the virgin outer ring or wheat being scarred and marked until its rebirth.

Darkness clouded Kennedy as she blinked harshly to rid the blinding light, and then maybe three seconds pass by followed by the distant voice of Arthur, and then the girl with fiery locks of hair zipped past. Only barely making it through as the doors of flame closed.

The voice of Tonks screamed out for her lover, and only then did she realize that Remus had to disappeared into the flames.

Hands pressed firmly to Kennedy's shoulder and there she saw Sirius. He looked at her with a look she hadn't ever seen someone give to her... one almost of pleading, begging. He wished for her not to go, to stay put and remain unseen by those of the outside world.

And for a moment she considered it.

For a moment she relished in the thought if sitting back and letting events play out how they would have in a life where she wasn't in it. Only for a moment did she imagine the safety and security she would have if she stay put and remained a mystery to everyone her name had ever been told to.

But then she remembered who she was and why she never had done this in the first place. Kennedy had always been a sucker for adventure. She had the need- the want to seek out a world that was more then just... a disappointment.

And although her life went from disappointment to flat out gruesome, she wouldn't wish any bit of it away. Not if it meant that she wouldn't be who she is to this day... not if it meant she wasn't who she was to people these days.

Not just any people... any person would see her as what the world said she was... but her people? They knew who she was.

And that's all she needed.

She had a life that was thrilling, romantic, fulfilling and crazy all bundled up in a messily wrapped package. And even through the mess, it was the most generous gift she had ever been given.

With flames dancing in Sirius's eyes she somehow knew what was to happen in the next year or so to come. She knew that he knew it to.

So with eyes of copper staring into eyes of forest, Kennedy dulled.

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