Chapter 24 - Emerald Shines, Bird Poop Cries

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Later after quidditch practice when Kennedy and her friends had all gotten a quick shower in and were able to change Kennedy had found herself leaning against one of the railings in the owlery while she watched the sun begin to disappear behind the blanket of mountains that wrapped around the school.

With her eyes drifting shut Kennedy let her head fall forward while the wind that blew by her gently gripped her hair and pulled it away from her face, gently encouraging her to take a deep breath and hold her head up high.

Sighing frustration Kennedy already could feel the night creeping toward her in a mocking way. Taunting her with the mere thought of sleep when the darkness would then slap the idea away. More then likely Kennedy knew she wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight no matter how hard she tried.

The last time she had gotten a good nights sleep was when she had spent the night on the night bus and even then that was rather rocky.

Reopening her eyes as she sat up and brought her hands to the back of her neck where she unclasped her necklace. Looking down at the piece of jewelry Kennedy put all her focus onto the tiny green gem.

'What are you?' Kennedy pondered as she began to chew on her bottom lip out of pure focus.

Taking a deep breath in Kennedy clasped her hands together with the necklace in between them, trapping what ever magic was inside it. Fluttering her eyes closed once more Kennedy focused on thinking about nothing.

Anything that drift I her mind would quickly get shoed away.

No matter how much she wanted to think about nothing little things kept creeping there way into her thoughts. Whether it be about Gilderoy or her friends, to if she would turn out to be like her father or not.

Out of frustration Kennedy let out a long groan only to slam her knuckles against the cement railing on front of her.

While she looked forward into the shaded sky a small light flickered through the cracks of her knuckled which made her completely forget about the frustration she had held moments ago. Though just as she had looked over the light quickly dimmed, eventually becoming nothing.

Blinking quickly out of confusion Kennedy decided to try something out.

Once more Kennedy closed her eyes and clenched the necklace in one of her hands and took one final deep breath.

Letting her mind take over flashes of memory's came flickering through her mind. The first time she ran through the brick wall at King's Cross Station, when Maisie and Kennedy got their first detention together after sneaking into the kitchen to chat with the elves and many more.

But the more persistent images that seemed to take over her mind were all focused around two people in particular.

The night Fred had followed her to the Forest where she then introduced him to Soot.

When George helped her drag Maisie through the halls to get her to the great hall.

When She was at the burrow for the first time and the two had caught her humming little Ginny to sleep after she had a nightmare.

Suddenly a brief pause had interrupt Kennedy's reminiscing thoughts when a rush of heat burned through her body. Gasping Kennedy dropped the necklace from her grasp as her eyes flew open looking wildly around her.

On the floor the small necklace shined brightly. An emerald green stung Kennedy's eyes so much so that she had to cover her vision. The wind around her seemed to pick up as her necklace lit the night sky.

Covering her eyes from the blinding light Kennedy's heart began to pound within her chest. A searing sensation flooded her veins as her back began to cramp heavily. Her thoughts began to focus on the pain and away from the memories she had thought of and the pain slowly subsided.

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