Chapter 75 - A Night To Remember

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The girls blankly stared at Kennedy, though their gazes quickly turned to confusion when Katie snatched the note from her hand and voiced the letter aloud for the girls to hear. Alicia looked like she was about to pass out as she crumpled the note into a ball.

"No! What?! We have to go now. The ball is about to start!" She whined causing Kennedy to chuckle while she quickly rushed to the door to put on the shoes she decided to wear with her dress, though of course, she borrowed them from Angelina.

"Where did he want you to meet him again?" Maisie asked carefully as she watched her best friends face glow a new kind of joy as she spoke.

"The forest! Near Hagrid's hut. I think it may be about Soot." Kennedy explained as she lifts her dress some to tighten her shoes.

"Is he escorting you? I thought that was a big rule." Angelina asked as she adjusts her hair some.

"Normally he would, but since everyone is going to be in the great hall be probably just didn't bother." Kennedy shrugged as she grabbed the doorknob.

"Wait!" Maisie shrieked as she ran up to her friend before grabbing her left hand and inspecting it. "Okay, you're good. I needed to make sure you weren't lying about your hand being healed like the last time."

"You lie one time at three in the morning and then you get treated like a criminal," Kennedy mumbled while her friends laughed some.

"You sure you'll be okay?" Katie double checked while Kennedy smiled with confusion.

"Yeah... I'll be fine. Either way whatever the news is... I'll have some sort of peace at mind." She confirmed before waving her friends goodbye and trotting out of the dorm room, down the common room stairs, and out the entrance.

Her heart began to pound with excitement as she raced through the castle with her flowing dress flickering behind her as the wind she kicked up bumped into the soft material. The feeling flooding her veins was ethereal as the sound of violins playing echoed through the stone walls around her.

The heels on her feet clicked as she descends the stairs as quickly and elegantly as possible. Though in typical Kennedy fashion as she round the corner to enter the bottom floor she practically slammed into the wall in front of her.

This didn't face her at all besides the fact that she laughed to herself some. The temperature in the lower floors was drastically different than the temperature from the common room floors. Instead of the usual warmth, she typically felt, the lower floor felt chilly and moist as she ran through it towards the end door that would lead to Hagrid's hut.

And as she arrived into the nights chillingly cold air, Kennedy gasped lightly at the mist floating around that stuck to her sides like a kiss delivered from crystal-like snowflake on a winters morning when the snow had only just begun to fall.

Joy struck her by every little cold jolt she felt and her adrenaline kicked in. The moon was a blazing light above her in its half-moon state, while the stars beside it spoke to one another of the plans they had for the night.

The tree's pitter-pattered around the clearing by the stairs to Hagrid's whistled and hollered as the wind ruffled their leaves while others dropped their pine needles in efforts to free their limbs from the stress of holding them.

On the cracked blocks that had supposedly been considered a staircase Kennedy's heels clacked louder than they had earlier against the rough edges of stone beneath her. The wind picked up and her dress flew back, exposing her right leg while her hair flew behind her some, only limited to its shortness.

The dew sat on the grass reflected not only the light of the moon but the distant figure of the girl in a dress running wildly with pure joy spread across her face.

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