Chapter 31 - Not Home Sweet Not Home

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It's been a week since Kennedy had woken from her long slumber and left Hogwarts. A week since she had seen all her friends for the first time in months.

Kennedy now found herself on her hands and knees in the bathroom her and her aunt shared cleaning up an abundance of different molds and stains from within the cracks on the tile floor. Once more she seemed to gain her sleepy posture as she dunked her rag into the bucket next to her while she continued to scrub harshly with a toothbrush to get into the harder to reach spots.

As Kennedy had expected before she left for school, she came back to an apartment that looked like it had been abandoned for seven years. As well as her intense cleaning Kennedy had received a crumpled note from a few months ago saying Windy did end up having someone take her aunt away which Kennedy had been overjoyed about.

Though she did find it quiet weird how she hadn't received any letters at all about anything throughout the months she had been gone. She understood why since she hadn't been in the same world as them in a way, but it still made her anxious.

Sitting back onto her legs, Kennedy blew some loose strands of hair that had fallen from her ponytail out of her face. Her pants were soaked and her face had dirty water drops framing her face from how harshly she had been throwing her rag around.

She had to admit, it was very strange being back in a world much more peaceful then the one she had previously been in. Yes there was still danger but to Kennedy she had a much less likely chance of being swallowed by a giant snake then she had in the Wizarding world.

As she thought about the snake comparison Kennedy couldn't help but let her head fall into her hands as she laughed aloud into her hands.

To her it truly felt like just an hour ago that she had woken from her almost deadly coma. She remember everyone's reactions perfectly.

"Oi weirdos! I'm the one who almost got eaten alive by a giant snake trying to save your sister, so I suggest you let me through so I can see my best friend, thank you." Maisie grumbled once the twins had set Kennedy down from there long hug.

Choking out her laughter Kennedy clung to Maisie who seemed to be getting slightly choked up herself.

"I swear if you do something that stupid again I will personally see to it that you are chained to the floor." Maisie hummed to Kennedy when she released the hug that her best friend had scooped her into.

"Believe me if I had been given the choice to disappear for two months I wouldn't have." Kennedy said which made Maisie smile slightly till she was shoved out of the way by a rampaging Lee who crashed into Kennedy's ribs, knocking her into the twins behind her which of course led them all to be laying on the floor in a pile.

"Ugh.. it's good to see you too Lee." Kennedy groaned out a laugh while the twins squirmed underneath her.

"Ah, Lee! You're heavier then Hagrid, get off Kennedy!" George grunt which made Lee squish himself deeper into Kennedy's stomach.

She assumed he made a sassy reply though nobody could here anything he had said since he had his face stuffed into Kennedy's clothes.

"Lee! That tickles, knock it off." Kennedy replied as she shoved him to the side of her to which he frowned and crossed his arms while he remained on the floor.

"I'm offended. You hugged George and Fred for a solid forty-two seconds and all I get is a lousy twelve and a half? How rude." Lee scoffed as he gazed up to Kennedy who rolled her eyes as she helped Fred and George from the floor.

"I missed you Lee!" Kennedy sang to him which made him scoff as he stood himself from the floor.

"Yeah, well I missed you too, Kenny."

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