Chapter 23 - The Daily Profit

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"Kennedy are you alright?" Hermione gently asked as she saw Kennedy's nose and cheeks turn a vibrant red. The only thing Kennedy could feel was rage flooding her entire body. Under her shirt she could feel a tingle come from her necklace but she disregard the thought.

Shooting from her seat Kennedy raced for the hall outside of the Great Hall as panicked shouts and thudding feet raced after her.

"What's it say? Kennedy! Stop!" She could here Fred shout amongst the jumble of voices that seemed to blend together once the DADA door came to her sight line.

Sooner then her friends had expected she had already kicked the door open and angrily walked into the class full of students who had jumped in their seats from the sudden noise.

In this class was Ravenclaws and Slytherins in the same year as Kennedy, so a few friends were in the classroom that she had just bust into.

"Ms. Deadlock, what is this disruptive behavior about?" Lockhart asked as he stepped back a couple steps as Kennedy quickly walked right up to the man only to stand right in front of his face while her nose twitched and her hands ached from the squeezing she was doing.

"It's Locket you bimbo!" She squeezed from her throat as subtly as she could.

Slamming her hand that held the paper onto the desk Kennedy's voice came out eerily calm.

"Take it back."

"Take what back, Ms. Locket." Gilderoy asked faking his innocence with such ease that it made Kennedy's insides burn.


The discomfort Kennedy was feeling in this moment was one foreign to her. This burning began to quickly rise once she had noticed it to where she had to bite her lips as a few tears came to her eyes.

"Take. It. Back."

At this point the entire class watched carefully, noticing how Kennedy's limbs began to shake ever so slightly. Within this group of students sat Benny, Milo, Leighton and Gabrielle who looked to one another with concern and shock on their faces.

Never had they ever seen or expected to see Kennedy in such a serious and tense situation. The girl they all saw a day or two ago who was snorting on the floor of their carriage was suddenly gone, being replaced by a shadowy shell of herself.

Gilderoy looked her up and down quickly as he swallowed quickly. Kennedy grabbed the paper and slammed it into his chest which made him stumble back a foot. Watching him closely as he brought the paper to his face to read, the girl simply squeezed her hands and bit her tongue from how intense this burning feeling was.

Her back ached and felt as though someone had come behind her and placed hot charcoal against her bare skin. Her stomach and fingertips felt as though she had been boiling them like eggs. Slowly this burning sensation came to her eyes. Like she had just looked into the sun and couldn't close her eyes hot tears spilt from her eyes as she refused to blink.

She didn't care if people thought she couldn't get angry without crying. They didn't know the pain she was feeling, heck Kennedy didn't even know what she was feeling. More so why she was feeling this utter torture all of the sudden.

Gilderoy's eyes flicker between his reading and Kennedy to make sure she didn't do anything irrational. Clearing his throat some the man gently folded the crinkled paper before he set it gently down upon his desk.

"I simply cannot." He rest himself against his desk calmly, though smugness filled his eyes to the brim.

"What?" Kennedy asked with her teeth clenched.

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