Chapter 11 - "Happy Christmas You Oafs."

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Not to long after the first Quidditch game of the season and Lee earning his end of the bet, the weather began to get colder and the wind began to pick up every now and again while the great big willow tree that sat on the castle ground shook itself of the old crinkly leaves on its branches.

Winter had arrived quicker then anyone had expect and next thing they knew Christmas Eve had arrived and the castle was filled with carolers. Christmas tree's decorate every corner of ever hall and the ghosts that haunt the castle float around wishing everyone a good Christmas.

Currently Kennedy, Cedric and Maisie were walking around with normal everyday outfits on, chatting to each other about anything and everything that came to mind.

"Kennedy, please don't make this a big deal." Maisie complained as she dragged her feet and slumped her shoulders while Cedric confidently walked beside her.

"How can I not? Cedric gift you a necklace for Christmas! And its so pretty too! Look at it!" Kennedy said happily, pointing to the girls neck, where a golden chain lay with a small gold rose charm hanging in the center.

Maisie smiled slightly grabbing hold of the necklace before she looked to the girl with a slight tint to her cheeks.

"Glad you like it. Cost me a fortune." Cedric mumbled to his life long best friend who stared to him with dangerous eyes.

"You better not have spent more then a couple galleons on me, Diggory."

"I have the right to! We've been friends since we were in diapers. I had to go a bit extreme just once."

The two continued to bicker back and forth as they wandered mindlessly in the hallways every once in awhile saying a thank you to ghosts that float by.

"Well don't you be expecting much for your gift. I only got you a new quidditch jersey and some hair curlers with gel." Maisie said shrugging.

Cedric stopped his movement as he stared to Maisie who slapped her hand over her mouth to try and hide her laughs, meanwhile Kennedy was leant against a wall crying from laughter.

"For the last time my hairs natural!" Cedric shout in disbelief at the two girls who were in hysterics as they held one another to keep themselves steady.

"Yeah right, Ced! Your hair looks crustier then Filch's bunions!" Maisie cried out as tears flowed down her cheeks from how hard she was laughing.

"Oh come on, Kennedy you believe me don't you?" Cedric said as Kennedy pulled Maisie with them down the hall while she sniffled and huffed, trying to catch her breath.

"Don't you pull me into this! This is between you two!" Kennedy said as she refused eye contact with the boy who's mouth fell open.

"And to think I got you that book bag you'd been eyeing in Hogsmeade." He mumbled which caused Kennedy to look at him in shock.

"You got me the bookbag?!"

"Way to keep your gift a secret, Ced." Maisie mumbled as she shoved his side gently.

"Yes, but I am highly regretting that decision." Cedric stated with his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face.

"Oh you poor thing. Your life is so hard isn't it?" Maisie fake pout as she hugged his arm only for him to shake her off with an angry expression.

"You two don't appreciate me enough. I think I'll be better off with new friends."

Gasping Kennedy and Maisie put their hands to their hearts as they clutched one another with offense clearly shown on their faces.

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