Chapter 97 - Riding The Wind

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Kennedy's eyes widen to the point where a majority of the hazel color in her eyes was replaced by a rich blackness. She barely had enough energy to even breathe at the moment, but she was over the moon at the sight of the bird-like creature she hadn't seen in roughly two years.

He still looked the same as he did the day he had left, though now he had a bit of grey speckled across his face and a large scar across the right side of his face. Along his wings there was the occasional scar or burn from what Kennedy imagined was a spell. It was clearly apparent that he had been through a lot through his time away.

The tears that Kennedy had tried to will away pricked back into her eyes and she so desperately tried to pull herself from the grass that she had just been blast down to. She wiggled and twist so she was on her sore abdomen, and Soot was so excited to see his girl that his entire body was wiggling in delight.

Though Soot knew his person was in pain and so he tried to calm himself. He lay down on the floor a few mere inches away from Kennedy's face with his head tucked over his paws while his frantic tail waved rapidly in the air.

Little grunts of excitement left the creatures mouth and his eyes were to an equal size as Kennedy's. Both hadn't seen the other in forever, and both wanted nothing more then to hold each other close.

But considering Kennedy's exhausted, sickly state, Soot knew he had to wait.

Kennedy's tired body collapsed closer to the floor with her hand still shakily raised into the air where she carefully placed it onto Soot's beak. The bird-like creature purred under her touch and closed his eyes so he could enjoy the moment he finally had gotten his person back.

While Soot's eyes remained closed Kennedy's head lolled to the ground and she suddenly realized how hard it was starting to get to breathe.

Her lungs cried for a deep intake of breath and she could feel her throat expanding and tightening at the lack of air.

Soot's small ears perked at the noise that caused his eyes to snap open. The creature suddenly sprang to his feet and a desperate cry left his chipped beak. Soot may not be the smartest of all the griffin's in the wizarding world, but he knew that this is not how a normal person should look like.

Carefully Soot sniffed the girls head who stared up at him fretfully.

"S-soot... take me... home." Kennedy gasped as she clenched her tired eyes shut from the radiating pain that clogged every bit inside her.

The creatures eyes softened and as gently as he possibly could the bird tucked his head down and gently nudged under her arms. Kennedy struggled to pull her upper body onto him, but when she did she held as tightly to him as she could while he carefully pulled his head up.

With one of his free wings he scooped it under her feet and pushed her lower body up to his back where she swung her feet lazily up and over. Though when she finally managed to get atop of the creature she paused when there was a different feeling on her belly.

Blinking slowly Kennedy glanced to the back of the bird where she saw what looked to be a leather contraption. She squint her eyes lightly until she finally found the energy to figure out what this thing on Soot's back was.

This leather strap like thing looked to be what was similar to a saddle, though it was still far different. It wrapped around his torso and up to his shoulders and back legs with some places to mount your feet. At the top bit of the contraption where the leather wrapped the shoulders there was sort of a handle that would tell Soot where to turn or if he should go up or down.

On top of that he looked to be dressed in a fancy suit of medal armor, like he had been in battle or was getting ready for one. It amazed Kennedy to no end, though when she glanced to his left shoulder she spot a set of initials by a slip of paper that made her heart drop.

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