Chapter 82 - Colorful Emotions

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The clock on the wall continued to tick with every toss Kennedy made. The green apple would fly into the air, and then plunge right back down to her hand. It was a repetitive motion that she had been doing for the past fifteen minutes, but it brought an odd sense of comfort to her as she listened to Maisie go on and on about how her and Cedric's tenth month together was edging closer.

Kennedy didn't mind listening, but her thoughts as per usual were swarmed with many other things besides Maisie's relationship.

"-and he's just been a big help for me lately with all the school stress and what not. You know?" Maisie sighed contently while dangling her legs from the side of the bed as she lye next to Kennedy.

Kennedy hummed in response while flicking the apple back into the air as she had done about two hundred times already. This made Maisie turn her head to the girl who seemed completely lost.

"Alright, what's with you? Normally I'd be annoyed by now with your constant squealing and placing you six feet deep under a mountain of pillows and blankets." The girl snort some with a gentle smile as she watched Kennedy clasp the apple in her hand with an elongated pause before continuing to toss it.

"It's nothing. I'm happy for you and Cedric I really am." Kennedy replied while casting a quick glance to her best friend.

Maisie wasn't buying it, so she rolled her eyes and swat the apple, sending it across the room where it splattered against the wall before rolling around on the floor.

"Maisie what the hell-"

"Shut up and look at me." Maisie ordered to which Kennedy complied. "That wasn't what I asked."

"Technically you asked 'what's with me' to which I replied with nothing. So really, I answered correctly." Kennedy stated with a smirk.

"Just tell me." Maisie sighed.

"Alright, fine. I'm worried about Fred is all." Kennedy admit to both herself and her best friend who looked confused.


"What do you mean why?"

"Why are you so worried about him? He seems fine. I mean I saw him earlier." Maisie said while adjusting herself to lay stomach down on the mattress, still remaining with her face next to Kennedy's

"When did you see him?"

"When you were being checked over before Madam Pomfrey let you come back to our room after dinner." Maisie state with a 'duh' tone.

"How did you- you know what, never mind. The thing with Fred is that he doesn't just... display his feelings for everyone to see. He puts them away and waits to confront them."

"So he's you." Maisie confirmed while Kennedy shook her head.

"Yeah, sure. But that's not the point."

"Isn't it?"

"No. The point is Fred's not okay-"

"Meaning you're not okay." Maisie once more confirmed.

"What, no. Maisie we're talking about Fred here." Kennedy quickly point out before Maisie immediately bit back.

"Which as you said before is the same as you, meaning, you and him think alike, which also must mean you're not okay in the context in which we are talking."

Kennedy gaped a few times before she blinked and shook her head furiously. With her hands rubbing up and down her face harshly Kennedy let out a small grunt.

"No- ah, Maisie you made me forget what we were even talking about!"


"Thank you. He's not fine, and I know it. I can feel it." Kennedy whispered the last part as she looked to her best friend who just seemed entirely confused with where Kennedy lye with the two boys.

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