Chapter 1

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"Hey" Christina said as we were running to Bailey, our resident.

"Hey" I said out of breath.

"Alex Golding, age 47, came in with a head laceration. Izzy what was the head laceration from" Bailey said as she looked at izzie.

"Um a nail gun and it went through to invade the cerebral artery" izzie said.

"Good" she said as Dr. shepherd walked in.

He looked angry like he just got his heart torn out of his chest and wanted to mentally abuse someone.

"Mr.Golding can you look at me" he said as he took his light out of his pocket.

He shined the light into Mr. Golding's eyes for a couple seconds.

"Dr.Grey" he snapped and I shook up.

"Yes Dr. Shepherd" I said.

"Hand me those scans" he spat.

I put my hand out to hand him the scans and he snatched them from me. He put them on the X-ray Brain scan board and showed Mr. Golding.

"Mr. Golding do you see this" he pointed in the middle of his brain scan.

"Yes what is it?" Mr. Golding questioned.

"Nothing. You are going to be fine" Dr. Shepherd said as he took the scans and walked out of the room. Not even a smile.

He laid the scans in the patients charts and looked up to eye me.

"Dr. Bailey can I get one of your interns for a while" he said as he looked into my eyes.

"Yes grab one" she said.

I was dreading this.

"Dr. Grey" he said.

George came up behind me.

"Good luck" he said before walking off.

"Dr. Shepherd. I was wondering if you could teach me something" I asked him as he was looking at me angry.

"Oh what is it now" he spat

"I- um" I said as I was in shock by the way he talked to me.

"Can you show me the brain and how it works. I really have a thing for it. And I would love to learn under you" I said.

"And I have a thing for ferry boats. But I'm not on them right now. Am I" he said before walking away.

I walked to the cafe and sat with George, Alex, Izzie and Christina.

"So how's it working with McAngry" Alex asked.

"Honestly terrible. I asked him to teach me and he started talking about something else like I'm done with him" I said.

"Well he just needs to get laid and take the anger away" Izzie said.

"Hey mer" christina said as she nudged me.

"You can do that" christina said and the whole table started laughing.

"Haha very funny" I said rolling my eyes.

"I would never sleep with a man who acted like that towards me" I said as the table got quiet.

"What" i said.

I turned around and looked at what they were staring at. Dr shepherd was standing right behind me.

"Well if you are done I grabbed a patient. And I will teach you how to do neuro because it is fascinating. We have surgery posted in 30 minutes. But it looks like you have enough gossip on your hands" he said sternly walking away

"Wait Dr. shepherd" I said getting up super quickly and running over to him.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what you heard. But-" I said before he cut me off.

"But nothing. I don't care about you or your personal life. Don't bring me into it" he said seriously.

I agreed.

He gave me the post ops and I started going through them.

"Dr. Shepherd" I said and he turned around to look at me.

"Yes I know. I don't know if she will make it through. It's a complicated procedure. I picked you because I've seen you in surgery before. You know how to deal with difficult procedures like this. He said and turned around to walk away.

20 minutes later

I'm scrubbing into the surgery. Dr. Shepherd is already in the OR. I scrubbed in and walked through the doors. I looked over to the OR gallery. Everyone was in there. And my friends were. Christina waved as she threw a piece of popcorn in her mouth. I got my gown and gloves on then walked over to Dr. Shepherd. The nurse put goggles on Dr. shepherd and I's face.

"Let's begin" Dr. shepherd said and the room went quiet.

He started doing his thing in her head. I was observing and he told me to help extract the tumor from her brain. I put my hand on the endoscope underneath his hand. Our hands touched a little. He looked me in my eyes and i felt a feeling. What was going on with me.

"Ok slowly follow my lead. Do not move unless I do" he said seriously.

He began moving the endoscope softly and I felt me hand slip. Shit. I heard the beepers going off.

"DR. GREY WHAT DID YOU JUST DO" he yelled at me.

"I don't I-" I said watching the brain start to bleed.

I looked close and Dr. shepherd was trying to fix it. It was too late the brain started swelling and his body dropped. There was nothing we could do.

"Time of death 22:50" he said

"Good job you just killed a kid today" Dr. shepherd said angrily whispering as he walked over to the trash to take his gown and gloves off.

I walked over behind him and took mine off to. I followed him into the scrub room and we started washing our hands.

"Dr. Shepherd I'm sorry. I don't-" I said before getting cut off

"I regret this. I told you not to move. Now I have to go tell the parents that their kid is dead" he said sternly walking out of the room.

I left and went into an on call room. I started crying. The way I just killed a patient because of a little mistake and the tone Dr. shepherd has on me just made me mad. I started crying more. I heard the door open and someone walked in. I quickly wiped my tears away.

"Hello" I said shyly.

"I'm sorry" said the familiar voice.

I couldn't see who it was and he closed the door. We stayed looking at each other. Then it clicked.

Dr. Shepherd

So I decided to make another story. Lmk if y'all like it. Im taking a new approach so i'm not going to make them be together (well dating together😏) for a while just for the tension lol. Just letting you guys know😏😈

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