Chapter 17

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2 days later

Today I'm on peds. Derek is out today and we haven't talked to each other since that afternoon. The afternoon he said he'll wait for me. We hung out for a little while and he left. He said he had work to do, but hasn't called or talked to me since. I decided to forgot about it for awhile. I got to the hospital and walked in with Izzie, George, Alex, and Cristina. We all went to the intern locker rooms. We changed into our scrubs and found Bailey.

"Karev, O'Malley, and Yang you three are with Burke. Grey and stevens are with Robbins and Montgomery" she said

"Montgomery who's that" I whispered to Izzie

"A new fetal surgeon. She came in 2 days ago" she said

"Now scram" Bailey said

Izzie and I turned around. Bailey kind of scared us. Izzie and I went to the OB floor. We found Dr. Montgomery and Dr. Robbins

"So Grey you're with me" Montgomery said

"Stevens you're with me" Arizona said

"Call me Addison" she said holding her hand out

I shook it. I was confused, but we started walking to our patient. We walked into the patients room.

"Hi I'm Dr. Grey" I said holding my hand out to the woman on the table

"Isabelle" she said shaking my hand

"Ok Mrs. Isabelle we are going to see how dilated you are" Addison said grabbing gloves.

She handed me a pair and I put them on. She sat in front of the patient who's legs were being held up by leg holders. She was spread open. Her boyfriend was next to her holding her hand. Addison put her hands inside Isabelle

"You see this grey" Addison asked

I bent down and looked at her hands.

"Right here" she said taking my hand and placing it on the opening.

I squeezed a little to feel how she could tell the dilation. It was weird how we could do this.

"You are 6 centimeters" Addison said to the patient

I backed away and Addison got up. She pulled the woman's gown down.

"Only 6 ughhh" Isabelle groaned

"It's okay sweetie" her boyfriend said kissing her forehead

I started thinking of Derek. I do miss him being around.

"I'll be in here in a little bit to check on you" Addison said before we both walked out

She gave me the patients charts and I started doing all of her stats. She's been in the hospital for 12 hours already. I can't imagine all the contractions she's had. Addison went to work on her other patient who's been here for a long time. I had a little bit of a break for lunch. I went down to the cafe and grabbed a sandwich, chips, and a drink. I took it with me to this patients room where me, Alex, Cristina, George, and Izzie go for lunch. He didn't talk and it was quiet in there. I walked into his room and they were all there eating lunch.

"So how's Burke" I asked

"Terrible. He's not letting us do anything" George said

"He's an ass" Cristina said

"Yup" Alex said eating his sandwich

"What about gyne" Alex said

"Dr. Robbins is pretty annoying" Izzie laughed

"Ya Montgomery is making me help her deliver a kid today" I said

"Hm" Alex said

We all ate lunch and talked for a bit. Addison paged me.

"Oh gotta go" I said running out of the room

I through the rest of my lunch in the trash. I ran to Isabelles room. She was hyperventilating. She was in labor.

"Dr. Grey" Addison yelled

I ran over to the sink and washed my hands quickly. I put gloves on. The delivery nurses ran in and got ready. I went by Addison and the nurses helped.

"You can push" Addison said

Isabelle pushed and we saw the top of the baby's head. Something was wrong. She pushed again and the baby came out a little more. She pushed a lot and the baby slipped out into my hands. I caught her. Addison handed the little scissors to the father and he cut the umbilical cord. She had a small tumor in the side of her head and we had to get it out. I put the baby in the plastic container and the nurses were wheeling her to the OR.

"Someone page shepherd NOW" Addison yelled

"Isabelle we are taking your baby girl to the OR we will try everything, did you guys know" I questioned

"No" Isabelle said crying

"Okay I am paging one of the best neurosurgeons in the world to work on your baby" she said and we both left the room

The nurse paged Derek on addisons pager. I walked fast with Addison to the OR. We started scrubbing in. The baby was already put out. I started thinking about mine and how Derek and I don't know anything about it. I haven't been to OB yet. I was going to have arizona do an ultrasound for me soon, but the timing has been crazy lately. We walked into the OR masked up with our scrub caps on. We gowned and gloved. We waited for the next set of X-rays to come in. Izzie came in with the X-rays. Addison looked at them.

"Oh this is not good" she said

"What" I questioned

"You see this Stevens and grey" she said pointing the ball on the side of her head

"If we don't get this out soon her head will explode. WHERE IS DEREK" she yelled

"He's on his way doctor" a nurse said

Derek. How does she know him. What's going on. Derek finally scrubbed in wearing his ferry boat scrub cap. Izzie was now learning with Dr. Montgomery and I. Derek went over to the baby's brain. He hasn't said a word. He looked angry like something was bothering him.

"Scalpel" he said through the mask

He took the scalpel a nurse handed him. He started cutting her head and after a 3 hour surgery the baby was fine. I went to scrub out when Derek and Addison came in. We all started washing our hands.

"Addy what are you doing here" Derek said

He knew her? I didn't want to listen, but I was right here

"You left me with no call or anything" she said

I knew where this was going

Right when he said these words-

"Addy I divorced you over a year ago. I came out here to build a new life" he said

"Derek I'm here for work and I've heard about your new life here with someone else" he said

"And that someone else is behind me-" she said turning around

"Hi Dr. Grey" she said smiling.

How did she know about us. This is going to mess my whole career up. I was shocked and couldn't say or do anything. I threw my sponge down in the sink and left immediately.

"Meredith wait" I heard him yell

He didn't tell me any of this. This is something you tell a person. Like oh hey I want you to know that I was married before. But no I know nothing. I'm having his child and he doesn't tell me something like this. Hell he may as well have another child from her that I don't no about. Wait no I'm kidding I don't want to jinx this.


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