Chapter 48

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Baby pics at bottom

1 day later

We were all hanging out outside next to Arizona's pool. The kids were swimming and Derek put Nova on a float so that he could push her around on it. Callie was playing in the pool with her kids. I was releasing on a long chair and drinking a virgin pina colada. Arizona was laying next to me. Everyone was talking and having fun. Storm clouds started coming in. We all started going inside. We took showers and dried off. I changed into a purple shirt and black pants. Derek was bathing nova. I walked into the bathroom. I held a towel out and Derek took nova out of the bath. He handed her to me and I wrapped her up into the towel. She was shivering. I held her tight into my arms and dried her hair. I changed her and put her into a purple onesie. Derek came out of the bathroom. He already took a shower a couple minutes ago. His hair was still soaked. I started feeding nova. I finished and we walked downstairs. There was pizza, candy, and popcorn set out. We were having a stormy movie day. We sat down in the living room and Nova was taking a nap on my lap. I started eating pizza. We were watching Nemo. I finished my pizza and laid down. I put nova next to me. I held my arm around her. We all kept watching the movie. We watched a couple of movies and the rain started clearing up. We packed our things and put them into the car.

"It was nice to meet you both" I said to the kids.

We hugged each other and they hugged nova. Arizona, Callie, Derek, and I talked for a little bit. We got into the car and Nova was sleeping in her car seat in the back. We started our drive.

5 months later

My birthday is tomorrow. Derek said that he had a huge surprise for me. The kids are coming over for a couple days to go trick or treating with all of us. He usually goes over there but they wanted to come here. Nova has been walking a little bit lately. She's so big. She's about 10 months and I miss her being tiny. Derek had to go into work today. I went downstairs with Nova. I put her into her high chair and gave her some Cheerios. I helped her eat and sliced some apples for her. We both ate some and I picked her up. I took her to the car and drove to the beach. We got out and we walked across the board walk. We walked around for a while and went back into the car. We went to the movies and watched Cinderella. After the movie, we went back home. It was about 5pm. I put nova down for her nap.

5 hours later

I was getting ready for bed. Nova was down for the night. I got into bed. Derek wasn't back yet, but I know that he has a late surgery. I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and Derek was laying next to
me. He traced my jawline slowly with his finger. I looked deep into his eyes. I looked down at his lip and up into his eyes. He looked down at my lips and leaned in. We shut our eyes and he started sucking on upper lip. I opened my mouth and he slowly put his tongue into my mouth. He deepened the kiss and slowly rolled on top of me. He held himself up with his hands. He slowly pulled away from the kiss.

"Amelia picked nova up this morning" he whispered

"Really" I smiled

"Mmmhm" He whispered leaning down

He started kissing my lips. I arched into him and he started grinding against me. I moaned softly into his mouth. He took his shirt off and I took mine off. I took my shorts and panties off. He took his boxers off and we threw our clothes across the room. He rubbed my sides up and down. He wrapped his arms around my back and I arched into him again. He put his hand over my mouth and I looked at him. He tightened his hand around me and thrusted into me. I thrusted fast and didn't let me get use to him.

"Mmm" I mumbled as pleasurable pain ran through my body.

I started crying from it. He started going harder inside of me and I shut my eyes. I let myself go. I started getting used to him more and more. He moved his hand to my neck. He tightened his grip with both hands and I lifted my head up. He thrusted fast as he used my neck for stability. I lifted my legs up and he went even harder. He sent shocks everywhere through me.

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