Chapter 80

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1 week later

Derek's mom and sisters are coming over for dinner tonight. We just came back from the store and put everything in the fridge to cook. We brought the kids upstairs and I put them to bed. Derek said that he had a surprise for me in our room. I left Nova's room and opened my bedroom door. I walked into the room and there was a swing attached to the ceiling.

"Are we really doing this" I smiled

He got off of the bed and was naked. He walked over to me. He put his hand on my cheek

"Yes we are, now take off your clothes" he whispered pecking my lips

I started taking my pants off and he took my bra off. I slid my panties down and he grabbed my thighs. He lifted me up and put me onto the swing. I held my hands around the restraints and held myself up for support. He sat onto the swing with me. He was on one side and I was on the other. I put my legs on his shoulders and he slid into me. We rocked back and forth as he thrusted into me.

"Fuck" he groaned into my ear

He's so hot. I got even more turned on by his breath. I started moaning and held my head back. He went fast inside of me. This felt so go. He started moving in circles

"Oooo don't stop" I moaned

"I promise I won't" he whispered

He slammed his thrusts into me. He sat on his knees and kept going harder. My walls started to tighten. I started moaning loudly.

"Shhh don't wake the kids" he whispered

"This feels so amazing" I moaned

"I love you" he moaned

We both released at the same time. He got off of me and got onto the floor. He helped me off the swing. I sat on the edge of the bed and laid back. He took the swing off of the ceiling and hid it away. We went into the bathroom and took a quick shower together. We got out and I dried off. I got my hair ready and changed into some clothes. I went downstairs and grabbed corn on the cobs, ham, Mac and cheese, greens, and rolls. I sat it out and started washing the greens. Derek came down and started grabbing all of the pots. I felt him behind me and he ran his hands down the sides of my body. He started kissing my neck.

"Mmm" I moaned softly

"You taste so good" he whispered nibbling at my neck

"I know" I whispered

He started smiling into my skin. He wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"Ooo wait I have to pump" I said as my boobs started getting painful

I touched them and winced.

"Okay I'll finish these" he whispered

"Mmhm" I said

He let go of me and I walked away. I went upstairs and grabbed my pump. I wrapped it around me and turned it on. The noise was pretty loud. I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I started eating crackers. I finally finished pumping and Derek was finished glazing the ham. I took the bottles off and put the tops on. I put my pump away and put the bottles into the fridge. He started making the greens. He set them on low and started cooking them.

"Everyone's going to arrive in about 3 hours" he said

"Ham takes 2 and everything else isn't as long" he said

"Okay" I nodded

2 hours and 30 minutes later

The food was done and the family should be arriving soon. I set the table and we started putting the food on the table. I was starving and I knew they would be when they came here too. Nova was on the couch and Gracie was in her bouncer. The pie was on the counter staying heated. I started freaking out a little

"Hey. Hey don't be nervous" he said rubbing his hand on my back

"This is so stressful" I said

"I know, but it will be over soon" he whispered

The doorbell started ringing and he went over to the door. He opened it and I watched everyone hug him. I was really nervous. His mom looked at me

"Hi Meredith" she smiled walking over to me

"Hi" I said hugging her

Lizzie and Kathleen came over and hugged me. Derek took all of their bags upstairs and set them in their rooms. Amelia came over to me and grabbed the apple cider

"Relax. I'm nervous too" she smiled

I started laughing

"I'm glad you're here" I smiled

"Me too" she smiled

Carolyn went over to the girls

"How are my beautiful granddaughters" she said

"Gwramma" Nova said hugging her

"Oooo you've gotten so big" she said to her

She brought her over to the table and sat her next to her. Everyone sat down and started drinking wine. Derek came down and sat next to me on my right. Amelia was on my left. We all started grabbing food and putting it on our plates.

"How was your flight ma" Derek said

"It was alright" she said

"It was terrible ma. These flight attendants weren't doin there jobs" Nancy complained

"Sure" Derek said rolling his eyes

Everyone started talking and Amelia and I were eating. We started talking to each other. After dinner Amelia and I started cutting the pie. We brought ice cream and the pie to everyone. I went back into the kitchen and started heating a bottle up for Gracie. I went over to her and picked her up. I grabbed the bottle and went upstairs. I went into her room and started feeding her.

"Hey you're so amazing" I whispered

She kept sucking on the bottle.

"Hey" he said

I turned around and Derek walked in.

"I put your dessert away so it didn't melt" he said

"Thanks" I said looking down at her

He walked over to me and looked down

"We make beautiful children" he smiled

"We do" I smiled looking at him

He kissed my head.

"Everyone's going swimming after they eat" he said

"Okay I'll be down in a minute" I said

He nodded and left. Gracie was finally done with her bottle and I changed her into pajamas. I put her down for a nap because she hasn't slept through the night at all since she's been born. I went into my room and put a black one piece on. I went downstairs and everyone was outside. I grabbed my pie and ice cream. I started eating it. I ate all of it and started cleaning the dishes. Derek came in and helped me. We put them in the dishwasher.

"You're so sexy" he smiled kissing my lips.

He put his hands on my ass and squeezed it. I started smiling. He let go and we walked outside. Everyone was in the pool playing with a beach ball. Carolyn was floating around on a float. Nova was in the deep end with Amelia. It was dark and the view was so beautiful. The lights around the pool lit up. I got into the pool and Derek followed.


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