Chapter 55

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I kept crying. I got up and tried to be strong for my daughter and soon to be wife. I wiped my tears and left the room. I went to Mer's room to wait for her. I was alone. I went onto my phone and played games. I put it down and decided to take a nap on the couch.  I woke up to a noise.

"Derek" I heard

"Derekkkkk" she said louder

I sat up and opened my eyes. I saw her. She was on the patient bed. I got off the couch and smiled. I walked over to her and moved a little piece of hair from her face. I leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Hey gorgeous" I smiled

"Hey handsome" she smiled playing with the collar of my shirt.

"Where's nova" she asked letting her hand go

"With Bailey" I said

"That's good" she said sitting up

"Mer I feel terrible. This was all my fault. I let you go alone and-" I said and she kissed me

"Stop talking" she whispered kissing me more

I deepened the kiss. There was a knock at the door and we pulled away.

"Hey Dr. Grey, Dr. Torres and Dr. Wyatt told me to give these to you" she said handing me a piece of paper and two pill bottles.

I handed them to mer.

"Take 1 of each every 12 hours" the nurse said

"Okay thanks" she said

The nurse left the room. I gave Mer some water and she took the pills. She closed the caps and put them on the nightstand next to her

"Now can you get my daughter because I really want to see her" she smiled

I started laughing

"Of course" I said kissing her lips

"I'll be back" I said pulling away.

I left the room and looked around for Bailey. I couldn't find her. I went down to the lobby to look for her because she had nova last. Everyone was crowding around watching the news on the tv. They were all gasping. I walked over to it and started listening.

The virus has came to the US. It is in Washington and California, so far. The symptoms are crazy. You turn green and no one has survived this. It's getting worse. Brace yourselves

The news woman said. I need to find Nova. I started hearing someone screaming, the lobby doors were open and there was a guy. He stumbled in. His face was practically green.

"Sir. Sir" nurses kept saying

He grabbed the wall and started puking everywhere. His eyes were red and bleeding.

"STEP AWAY" Bailey yelled

They stepped away and the man was screaming in pain. He fell to the floor and his lifeless body wouldn't move. He was dead. I ran to Bailey.

"Where's Nova" I asked

"In daycare. Derek go home right now. Take Mer. I'm discharging her. She needs extra care but I can't lose you both" she said tearing up

"I knew you loved me" I smiled hugging her

I let go and she wiped her eyes

"Shut up and go. Here's the discharge papers" she said handing me Mer's papers. I ran up to daycare and grabbed Nova. I quickly ran to Meredith's room. Lexie got up

"We need to go. All of us. Something happened and we have to go" I said trying to help Mer up

Lexie helped to. We put her into her wheelchair. I grabbed her bag of clothes.

"What do you mean" Lexie asked

"A virus. This man had it in the lobby and it wasn't good" I said

"The virus from Italy?" She asked

"Yes" I said

"Well let's go" she said

"What virus" Mer asked as we pushed her

"There's a deadly virus that came to the US. It started in Italy and they didn't know about it for a month, so it spread a lot. Right now it's a one hundred percent death rate" Lexie said

We ran to the lobby and the body wasn't there. The janitors were cleaning up the blood. We ran to the car and quickly got in. I left the wheelchair in the parking lot. I don't know how this was going to work without me being in the hospital because I was chief. I drove Lexie back to her house and she grabbed her stuff. She walked into her house. I drove home and helped Mer out. She grabbed her crutches and held onto my shoulder. I took nova out of the car and put her onto the grass. She ran to the front door. I went to the door and opened it. We all walked in. Nova was walking upstairs. I helped Mer to the couch and laid her on it. I went to the door and closed it. I went back to the tv and turned the news channel on. We saw buildings being burned down and people running for their lives. I sat next to mer. We kept watching. More people were being infected. The color of their skin kept turning green.

"Turn it off" she said

"Okay" I said

I turned the channel and the bachelorette was on. We watched that for a little bit.

"I'm going to check on Nova" I whispered

"Okay" she whispered

I got up and went upstairs to Nova's room. She was playing with her doll. I sat down with her and grabbed another doll.

"Hi my name is Elizabeth how are you today ma'am" I said in a British accent

She started laughing

"Is it funny" I laughed tickling her

She slowly fell back and I kept tickling her. I picked her up with her doll and put her into her crib because it was her nap time and she gets fussy when she doesn't have enough sleep. I waited till she fell asleep and walked downstairs. Mer was laying on the couch. I went to the kitchen and started making fettuccine.

"We need to get her a toddler bed soon" I said

"We do?" She asked

"Yeah she's old enough kind of and I really want to pick one out for her" I said putting the noodles in the boiling water.

I started making the Alfredo sauce.

"Okay" she laughed

I waited for the pasta to stop cooking and started finishing the sauce. I put everything on low and went over to mer. I bent down in front of her because she was watching tv. I held her hand

"Hey so we need to talk about-" I said and the power went out

Our phones started getting alerts on them. I took mine out and Mer took hers

Nation wide black out.

Is all I read until I turned my phone off.

"We have to get to the hospital" I said tightening my grip on her hand

"After its safe" she said

"Yeah of course" I said getting up

I sat next to her.

"I really hope this is going to get better" I said

I leaned over and kissed her lips. I got up and turned my phone light on. I went to grab some candles.

Do you guys want this to turn into a zombie apocalypse story?? Well like you turn into a zombie then die quickly when you're infected um YES🤣 and you can only get it from spit or something 😭😭

I just wanted to make another quarantine bc I want Derek to be on zoom and rail tf outta Mer not in the camera tho😏

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