Chapter 18

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I went into an on call room and started walking in circles. He came in.

"Mer" I asked

"Sorry I'm just-" I said and stopped to look at him

"These pregnancy hormones are making me crazy" I said crying

He walked over to me and I backed up. I sat on the bed and looked up at him. He leaned down and started kissing my lips. I laid back onto the pillow and he laid on top of me. He went down to my stomach and lifted my shirt up half way.

"You need to be good for your mommy okay" he said kissing my stomach.

"Derek" I laughed because it tickled

"If you keep acting like this I might go crazy" he laughed placing soft kisses all over my stomach

I giggled and started rubbing my fingers through his curls. He laid his cheek onto my stomach.

"I love you" he whispered

He looked up at me

"And you too I guess" he laughed

"Heyyyy" I said hitting his head a little

"Ow" he laughed

He kissed my stomach again and pulled my shirt down. He climbed over me and laid next to me. He put his hand on my stomach and held me close to him

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this. It should've came up" he whispered

"Ugh next thing your going to tell me is that you have a secret kid" I laughed

"Yeah" he laughed

I turned around to face him

"Oh not like that I meant it sarcastically. Yeah no I would never have a kid with her. Maybe by accident, but no I never thought about kids until I met you" he said resting his forehead on mine

"Don't" I whispered in a giggle

He sighed and kissed my lips. He laid on his back and I put my hand on his chest. He took my hand and held it on his chest. I scooted close to him and he lifted his arm up. He wrapped it around my back and pulled me into his side. I fell asleep. I woke up to a pager beeping. I grabbed it. It was mine. I got up and fixed my scrub shirt. He groaned and I leaned down. I pecked his lips and pulled the blanket over him. I quickly left the room and went to my patients room. I walked in and saw the baby in the incubator. Isabelle and her boyfriend were watching her through the plastic. Dr. Montgomery was sitting next to the ultrasound machine.

"Dr. Grey you need to stay with the baby overnight for observation" she said

"Yes Dr. Montgomery" I said

The parents played with the little baby and talked to her for a little bit. Nurses came in and I started walking with them to the nicu. We walked in and I stayed with this little baby in the room where no other baby was here. I opened the plastic and took her out. I started holding her and gently swaying her. She was adorable. I put my finger on her little hand and she gripped it. This was the best feeling ever. I was so in love with this little girl. She opened her eyes and stretched a little.

"Hi baby" I smiled in baby talk while playing with her little hand

She giggled a little bit.

"You think that's funny" I smiled

I laughed at her little tiny giggle and put her back in the incubator. I got up and looked at the window. Derek was there. I smiled at him and he came to the door. He walked in and took the baby's chart. He sat down and started reading it.

"So how's working with her" he laughed

I was still staring at the now sleeping baby.

"Honestly not bad" I said

"Satan has her way" he laughed

"Satan" I questioned tuning around to him

He looked up at me

"Yeah" he laughed

He looked around and got up. He walked over to me and kissed my lips. We both looked down at the baby

"She's doing pretty good. I have no idea why she told you to stay" he said

"Yeah me neither, but I'm glad because she's my favorite and my first" I laughed

"I remember my first. I was a 4th year intern and i was at an airport. This woman fell and she was in labor immediately. I walked over to her and had to deliver the baby. I saw my attending do it a couple times, but I was really nervous. After I got this rush and crazy feeling. It was amazing. I still keep in contact with both of them and the little guy is 13 now" he laughed

"Wow you're old" I smiled

He laughed and rolled his eyes. He started writing her stats on the chart. Someone came in.

"What are you doing to my intern" Dr. Montgomery said

We both turned around

"See satan" he said walking back to his chair

"Do I have to make a report. Dr. Grey was he sexually assaulting you" she smiled

I mean I wouldn't call our little make out that.

"No" I laughed

"Wow" Derek whispered

I turned back around and looked down at the baby.

"When can we take her out of the incubator" I asked

"In 4 hours" she said

There was a bassinet next to the incubator waiting for her.

"Well I'm heading out for the night. I'll be back in the morning" she said

It was 12am.

"Okay" I said

I heard the door open and close. Derek closed his chart.

"You can go home if you want" I said

"I'd rather stay here with you. It's boring being alone" he said

"Well if you stay here I need snacks because our baby is probably choking on its umbilical cord right now" I said listening to the loud noises in my stomach

"Meredith that's not funny" he smiled

"You have to admit. It kind of was" I laughed

He sighed and walked out. I looked at the charts he wrote. I turned 2 pages and saw little notes. Not about the patient. It was a date.


It was the day of my birthday. Why was he writing my birthday. It's only March 2008. Was he trying to remember it? I went back to the baby's chart and checked her stats that he was writing. She was looking good so far. I set the chart down and decided to forget about the little notes. Derek finally came back with snacks. I started eating this pudding. It was like my body needed it to survive. It needed him too. I have to much hormones to be stuck with him for the night. I started hearing the baby cry and my mom instincts came in. My ovaries started cramping too when I heard the sound of a baby cry. It was like my own and I needed to protect them at all cost. I went over to her and checked her heart rate. I picked her up and held her. She was okay, but she had a little fever. I put fluids in her iv that helped her fever go down. I put her back down in the incubator and she went fast asleep. Derek was next to me the whole time.

"Your mom instincts are crazy" he smirked

"What" I questioned

"Yeah your speed to stop this baby from crying was immaculate. Meredith you are going to be a great mother" he smiled

Oooo whats gonna happen on mers bday 😏

Y'all omg should I make a story where Mer is a Virginia like April😏 and ends up trusting and giving herself to Derek after he's sweet and stuff to her AWWW🥺🤷‍♀️

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