Chapter 140

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We left to pick the girls up from pre school. Derek left to grab them because I was staying in the car with our other kids. He came back and the girls were eating cookies. They were so excited. They got into the car and I looked back at them.

"How was my babies first day of school" I smiled

Derek got into the front and we started driving home

"Fun" Nova laughed

"Was it" I smiled

"Mmhm Oreos" Athena said

"Hehehe" Layla laughed

"I love you girls" I smiled

We drove home and Derek helped me take the girls in. He handed me a paper. The girls were in the living room.

"I didn't want to tell you and scare the kids" he said

I looked at the paper

Love outbreak

"It's literally the first day" I said

"I know, so I'm going to go grab some shampoo and everything" he said

"Okay" I sighed

He kissed my forehead and left. I brought the triplets upstairs. I changed all of the girls sheets. I went downstairs and grabbed them. I brought them upstairs.

"Okay so girls when your daddy comes home. We are going to give you guys a nice long bath in our jacuzzi" I said

"Ooooo" nova smiled

"Yeah" I smiled

I brought them into Derek and I's bathroom. I turned the water on and undressed the girls. I put them into the bath and kept the water warm. I turned the bubbles on and they started playing. I gave them some of their bath toys. I rolled my sleeves out and started putting warm water onto their heads. I got up and left. I brought the triplets into the bathroom and laid them in their carriers next to me. Derek came back and walked in

"Hey I have everything" he said handing me a bag

I took everything out. We washed the girls hair and Nova kept saying it burned. I quickly washed it out of her hair. We put the conditioner through their hair and Derek started running a lice comb through it. I took the lice comb that I had and ran it through Gracie's because she was sitting next to them. Derek got up and grabbed towels. I lifted Nova up and he covered her into the towel. I handed him Athena and he covered her up. He brought them out of the room. I grabbed 2 towels and dried Gracie and Layla off. I brought to my bed and laid them down. I wrapped a towel around their hair and covered them tightly with the towel so they wouldn't be as cold.

"I'll be right back" I said going to grabbed the triplets

I put them into their cribs and went to the twins room. I grabbed a blue outfit for Layla and went to Gracie's room. I grabbed a red jumpsuit for her. I went into the bedroom and made sure that they were dried off. I dressed them and put their towels away. I brought them into the middle of my bed and put the covers over them.

"Do you girls wanna watch a movie" I smiled

"Yesss" they both giggled

I turned Moana on the tv. I left the room and went to Derek. He was in Nova's room. The girls were both running around naked, chanting 'no'. Derek was sitting on the edge of her bed with his hands on his face

"Derek" I smiled

He looked up at me

"They won't listen" he sighed getting up

He was about to walk out and I grabbed his hand. He turned his head around and looked at me.

"Follow my steps" I whispered

He nodded. I grabbed Nova's favorite soccer jersey and Athena's favorite princess pajamas. I sat on the bed.

"No. No" they yelled stomping around the room

"Nova and Athena" I said

They stopped and looked at me.

"If you don't put these on then you won't get to watch a movie with your sisters in mommy and daddy's room" I said

They stopped and ran to me. I dressed them in their shirts and pants.

"Go into my room okay" I said kissing both of their cheeks.

They left and I got up

"See" I smiled

"You're way too good at this" he said kissing my lips

"You just have to bribe them with their favorite clothes and something like a movie" I smiled

"Aw I will for sure keep that in mind" he smiled

"I can stay for a little bit, but I do have to get back to the hospital" he said

"Okay. We're watching Moana" I smiled

"Again" he laughed

"Yup. It's a good movie" I smiled

We left and went into our room. The girls were laying together. I got on one side and Derek got on the other. Our bed was huge so we had a lot of space.

"I'm going to grab snacks because your mommy didn't want to grab some for your girls" he smiled

"Whatever" I smiled

He laughed and got up. He left the room and I cuddled up with my baby girls. Derek came back with popcorn, drinks, chocolates, and pizza. He gave them all plates and pizza. He gave them sippy cups and poured the drinks into it. We started eating. I ate some popcorn and chocolate. I ate pizza and Gracie started falling asleep. She laid her head onto my lap.

"Mer" he said

I looked over at him

"I have to go" he whispered

"Derek" I sighed

"I'm sorry" he said

We both got up. We grabbed the dishes and trash. I walked out of the room with him and shut the bedroom door. We went downstairs and cleaned them and threw the trash away. I walked in front of him and he put his hands onto my cheeks. He leaned down and started kissing my lips. He pulled away and smiled. 

"Bye" I whispered

"Bye" he smiled caressing my cheek

He left and I went back upstairs. I went into my bedroom and the girls were asleep. I left them and went to the triplets room. I fed the triplets and rocked myself onto the rocking chair. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to my phone vibrating.

"Derek's been in a car accident. He's okay but he needs his license taken. This time it wasn't his fault but wow" Cristina said

"He was in a car accident" I asked

"Yes and he broke a couple of ribs" she said

"Why'd you say he was fine" I said

"Because nothing complicated happened" she said

"Ok whatever. Thanks Cristina I'll be there in a couple minutes" I said hanging up

Car accidentttt😏

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