Chapter 39

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1 week later

We woke up and started talking. I got a feeling in my stomach. A weird one.

"Do you ever get a feeling and it seems too real" I asked

"All the time" he said

"I feel like I'm going to die today" I said

1 hour later

Derek and I were bathing nova. We were bathing her in the sink because she was too little to go into the bath. I washed her and Derek held the towel. I took her and he grabbed her. I turned the sink off and walked with Derek. He laid her on her changing table.

"Oh we are definitely going to match today" he laughed at Nova

He changed her and put an outfit on her that matched his. I started laughing. It was a white shirt that looked like his, but instead of black pants he put her in grey sweats. She look adorable. I left the room because he knows how to work with fluffy hair like his. I didn't know how to make her hair work. I went downstairs and pumped. I started eating a bowl of cereal and I heard Derek coming down the steps. I looked over and he was smiling. Nova was around his waist and she was smiling.

"So before work, I was thinking that we could have a family ferry boat ride day" he smiled looking at Nova

"Okay" I laughed

"Here's her bottle" I said handing him the bottle

He took it and put it in Nova's mouth. She started eating. I kept eating my cereal. Derek walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a bowl. He poured some cereal and started eating it while holding Lexie. We all ate and I grabbed my keys. We left the house and drove to the ferry boat. I put Nova in her stroller and we went up to the ferry. We went to the top deck. We looked over the water. It was a beautiful day. We rode around and docked. We got off the ferry boat and went to the car. I put nova in. We went to the hospital and I walked in with Nova who was in her stroller. Derek was with me. A bunch of doctors and nurses came to me and started saying 'hi' to Nova. She loved people. She was giggling the whole time. Derek and I walked up to daycare with her. We dropped her off and went our separate ways. I went down to the ER. This patient was screaming. Alex kept talking to her and she wouldn't listen. He started screaming at her. She finally stopped. I started doing my charts. Bailey came over to me.

"Hey Burke requested for you and Yang in OR 1" she said

I nodded and walked up to OR 1. I scrubbed in and Cristina was already in there. A paramedic named hannah was holding something in the patients abdomen

"So when you move just the slightest bit, I'll have to get in there immediately" Burke said

Burke was about to cut the side of the patients tissue when Alex ran through the door.

"Stop" he yelled

We all looked at him

"Dr. Burke I need to talk to you" he said out of breath

Burke put down his instruments and walked to the corner of the room with Alex. They started talking for awhile and Alex left

"Dr. Grey can I talk to you" Burke said calmly

I looked down at the patient and realized

"Oh my god" I said

Everyone kept looking at me. I walked over to Burke

"Dr. Burke" I said

"Go down and call a code black. Don't say anything. Just do it" he whispered

I walked out of the room and ran downstairs. I called a code black. The bomb squads on there way. I ran back upstairs. I found Cristina.

"Hey this is really crazy. I mean I'm so confused right now-" I said as we opened the door to the OR

Hannah was the only one in there.  She was doing everything. Everyone left.

"Where is everyone" Cristina asked

"They left" Hannah said tearing up

Her hands were shaking

"Hannah are you okay" I asked

"I can't do this. I don't want to. I- I can't" she said shaking and crying

"I'm going to get Dr. Burke. Whatever you do don't move your hand" Cristina said

I stayed with Hannah. I walked over to her and held her hand on the bomb.

"Breath in and out" I said breathing with her

We did this until Burke came.

"Hannah you can't move" he said

"I can't do this" she said

She was crying a lot. I took my hand off and she quickly took hers off. Everyone ducked. I replaced the spot that her hand was on with my hand.

"What did I do" I kept whispering to myself

Cristina and Burke got up. They both looked at me.

"Meredith" Cristina whispered

"Okay don't move at all" Burke said

"Cristina go grab some nurses" he said walking over to me

He quickly started bagging the patient. Cristina finally came in with an anesthesiologist and 2 scrub nurses. The anesthesiologist started the dose on the patient.

"I'm going to scrub in on Dr. Shepherd's surgery because if this blows up. I don't want to be here" she said

"Derek's here" I asked

"Yeah" she said confused

"Oh crap" she said leaving

The bomb squad came in.

"So you guys aren't on any gas lines. Which is good" the main guy said

I started getting nervous. My arms started to shake.

"Dr. Grey" he said

I looked at him

"Don't be nervous" he said seriously

"I am going to get my guys set up and after. All you have to do is hand me the bomb. I'll take it from there" he said

Cristina walked in. Derek walked in behind her.

"It is real" he sighed

He walked over to me.

"Meredith" he sighed

"We have to do this now" the bomb guy said

"I'm Dylan by the way" he said holding his hands out for the bomb

Derek went into the back corner of the room. I slowly took the bomb out. It moved a little, but nothing happened. We all cringed. I got the whole bomb out and put it into Dylan's hands. Buried took over to stop the bleeding in the patient. I wanted to see how they were going to do this. I walked out and Dylan was walking up a little hill to hand the bomb to another person. He tripped a little and everything exploded. The explosion made me fall back. I hit my head really hard. I just watched people get blown up. I heard a door open. I couldn't open my eyes.

"Meredith" he said

"Meredith can you hear me" Derek asked

I opened my eyes. I was in shock that I just witnessed all of this. Cristina was next to me. They both helped me up. I balanced myself.

In honor of bomb ep tonight 🙄 even tho I can just watch it on Netflix 😭

You know, I've always wondered when those guys exploded how did Burke or Derek not hear a big explosion AND walk out of the or to find everything damaged LIKE THEY WERE RIGHT THERE😭😭😭😭

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