Chapter 101

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The next day we were introducing Nova and Gracie to the triplets. Nova sat next to me and Derek sat Gracie next to me. She was starting to walk and it was so amazing. He put Lila in Nova's arms and Mason in Gracie's. We supervised them. I held Mya. They were all so fascinated by them, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. All the kids fell asleep and Derek was sitting next to me. He took Lila. I held Mason and mya. Gracie and Nova were cuddled into my side. Lila and Mya both have my green eyes and blonde hair. Mason has Derek's blue eyes and curls. He has my blonde hair. Derek got everything ready. He took a bunch of stuff from the room. We pay all this money, so we are definitely taking the pacifiers, blankets, bottles, and diapers. He packed everything and took it to the car. He came back in with Lexie. He took nova and Gracie. He held them on his waist and they laid their heads on his shoulders. Lexie grabbed Lila and Mya. She put them in their carrier. I got up and they left. I changed and put Mason into his carrier/car seat. I left and Derek came back in to help me. He took Mason and walked me to the car. Lexie was waiting for us.

"Hey if you guys need any help. I know that I had a baby like 2 months ago, but I'll help you guys just give me a call, or mark" she said helping Derek put Mason into the car

"Yeah sure thing. Thanks Lexie" Derek said hugging her

He let go and went to the drivers seat.

"Thanks" I said hugging her

"You guys are going to go insane. I'm already dead after one" she laughed in my ear

"I know. I'm not ready, but I am at the same time" I smiled

She kissed my cheek and let go

"Bye guys" she said

Derek and I waved at her. I got into the car. The kids were still sleeping. He held my hand and we drove home. We parked and Derek took the babies into the house. I woke nova up and she we inside. I held Gracie and brought her inside. Derek grabbed her from me and took her upstairs with Lila. I brought Mason and Mya upstairs. Nova came up and went straight to bed. I took them to their nursery. I put Mya and Mason into their cribs. Derek came in with Lila and put her into her crib. We left the room.

"See. This wasn't so-" he said and they all started crying

We walked in there and picked them up. We cuddled them and fed them. We changed them and nothing would work. We brought them into our room and laid them on the bed. We laid with them. They finally fell asleep.

"I hate this" I whispered

"This is torture" he whispered

We stayed with them until one of them woke up. Mason woke up and Derek held him.

"Hi Mason" he whispered

Mason just stared up at him. Derek played with him for a little bit. Mason ended up falling asleep. We took them back to their rooms and put them into their cribs. We left and shut the door. We texted Mark and Lexie to see if they could help us for awhile. We went downstairs and I sat on the couch. Derek went into the kitchen. I heard someone running down the steps.

"Mama" she said

I sat up and turned my head.

"Hi nova" I said

She ran over to me and sat next to me

"I hungry" she said

"Okay" I said kissing her head

I handed her the remote and went over to the kitchen.

"I'm making Pad Thai" he said

"Thanks" I said

"I'm not hungry at all" I said

"You need to eat just a little bit" he said

"I know" I sighed

"Hey nova" he said

She looked at us

"Go watch tv upstairs. I'll bring food up in about 15 minutes" he said

She nodded and he started boiling the Pad Thai noodles. He steamed corn, mushrooms, pea pods, and spinach. About 20 minutes later he was done and mixed everything. He poured teriyaki sauce on it and stirred it. He gave me a bowl, fork, and I grabbed a strawberry kiwi caprisun. I went upstairs and brought it to Nova

"Thanks mommy" she said

"You're welcome sweetie" I said

I left and went to Gracie's room. She was playing with her stuffed animals.

"Hi sweetie are you hungry" I said

She nodded. I texted Derek because I was really weak. I sat next to Gracie and Derek sat next to Gracie with the food. He helped her eat.

"What happened. Are you lightheaded" he asked me

"My legs are killing me" I said

"Go into our room and after she eats, I'll help you with anything that you need" he said

I nodded and got up. I limped out of the room and went into our room. I undressed and put my pajamas on. I laid on the bed and waited for him. He came in and shut the door. He went over to my legs and started massaging them.

"Oooo yeah" I moaned softly

"Does this feel good" he asked

"Mmm" I said

He went deeper into my skin. We heard the doorbell ring downstairs

"It's probably Lexie and mark" he said

"Go let them in" I said

He nodded and got up. He left the room and I turned the tv on. I watched tv and Lexie came in.

"Hey Mer" she said

"Hey" I said

She had Layton in her arms. She sat on the edge of the bed and I sat up. He was getting so big. He was sleeping.

"So mark said that he'll help Derek with the kids while me and you talk" she said

"About what" I asked

"We might be moving to New York" she said

"What. You can't leave" I said

"I don't know. Nothings confirmed" she said

"You aren't leaving" i said

Kate's Insta story. I KNEW SHE'D BE FREAKY AT THE CLUB. Me's a freaky gal🤪

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