Chapter 124

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Derek's POV

I left the room. Mer was asleep. I went downstairs and made two bowls of ice cream. I grabbed spoons and went back upstairs. I went into Athena's room. I woke her up

"Hi Athena" I whispered

"Dada" she smiled

I gave her the bowl. We ate it and I put her back to bed. I grabbed the bowls and brought them downstairs. I cleaned them and went back upstairs. It was really dark. I walked into the bedroom and I hit the corner of the dresser. It was right on my crotch. Fuck that hurt so bad. I held myself and fell to the ground. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't talk. The pain from this and my arm was so bad. I laid down on my stomach and passed out from the pain.

Meredith's POV

I woke up and sat up. Derek wasn't here. I got up and saw him on the floor. He was holding his crotch

"Derek" I laughed

"What are you doing down there" I smiled

He didn't move. I kicked his crotch. He winced so much.

"Oh my god Derek I didn't know" I said bending down

"Hospital" he whispered holding his crotch.

I called 911. They were bringing an ambulance. I went downstairs and grabbed some ice. I went back up to Derek. I grabbed his hands and unzipped his pants. I put my hands a little bit in and felt something gooey. I took my hand out. Blood. Blood was all over my fingers. I put the ice pack onto him and he grabbed my hand.

"Please come with me" he said

I nodded.

I called Lexie to hurry and come over. I ended the call and kissed Derek's lips.

"I'm going to fix you" I whispered

I held the ice bag tight onto him. Lexie ran up to the room.

"Stay with the kids lex" I said

"Mer what the hell" she said bending down

Derek passed out. The ambulance came and they put him onto a gurney. I walked downstairs with them. We went to the ambulance and started driving to the hospital. They were trying to wake him up. He slowly woke up

"Mer. Mer" he yelled groggily

"Derek I'm right here" I said holding his hand

We arrived at the hospital and got out of the ambulance. Bailey took him into surgery with Catherine and Callie. I stood in the waiting room. I kept pacing around. I couldn't sit down. I was too nervous. Bailey came out and I walked over to her.

"There were some things. He had a bone fracture in his penis and he's going to be really sensitive for a while" Bailey said

I hugged her

"Thank you" I whispered wiping my tears

I pulled away

"Can I see him" I asked

"Yes in room 528" she said

I went down to his room. I walked in and shut the door. I closed the blinds. I walked next to him and grabbed his good hand. I held it. He had such a bright pink cast. I started smiling. He was still asleep.

2 hours later

He started waking up. He tried to sit up and winced. He laid back down

"I have a cast on my arm and now my penis breaks. Great" he sighed sarcastically

"At least you aren't dead" I said

"I know" he sighed angrily

"I hate this" he said

"I do too" I said

He scooted over

"Lay with me" he said

"Excuse me" I said

"Please. I need someone to help me. I'm lonely" he said patting the bed

I started laughing. I laid next to him. He put the blanket over us. I scooted back

"Oooo" he winced

I accidentally hit his penis

"Sorry" I whispered

"When can I have se-" he sighed and someone walked in

Lexie walked in with Nova.

"She's been crying all night because of her dad" she said

I smiled and got up. I moved out of the way. Lexie put Nova into Derek's arms. Nova laid down and Derek pulled her shirt down

"Hi sweetie" he said

"Dada" she smiled

She started playing with his stubble

"I heard that you wanted me" he smiled

She shook her head 'yes'.

"Where are my other kids" Mer asked

"Oh um Bailey took them" she smiled

I started laughing. I looked back at Derek. He was whispering something into Nova's ear. They started laughing and looked at Lexie. She held her hands out for Lexie to pick her up.

"She's okay now" he said

She picked her up

"What did you say" she asked

"A little bribe sort of speak" he smiled

"Derek" I laughed

"They always agree" he said

"Could you bring the triplets" I asked

Lexie nodded. She left with nova and I shut the door. I turned around and Derek kept staring at me.

"What" I smiled

"Nothing. You're just so hot" he said.

I walked over to him. Lexie came back in with all the kids. I took the triplets and put their carriers onto the floor. We said goodbye to the girls and they all left. Derek held Mya. I held Mason and Lila.

"They are amazing little children" he whispered

"They are and they don't talk that much" I whispered

He laughed a little

"Yeah, but I can't wait until they're older. I already know that they're going to be mamas babies" he smiled playing with Mya's finger.

"Yeah they are" I smiled

I laid next to Derek. I put Lila and Mason in between us. We laid there with them.

1 hour left

I left with the triplets. Derek wanted to be alone. He was getting a attitude. I brought the triplets home and put them to bed. I took a shower and went to bed. It was so lonely without him. I woke up the next morning and I was freezing. I needed Derek back. I got the kids ready and started feeding them breakfast. The door started opening. I looked over and mark walked in. Derek's arm was around him. He walked Derek in and laid him onto the couch.

"Dada" the girls yelled

They ran over to him

"Girls wait" I said

They stopped

"No it's okay come here, I missed you" he said

They ran to him and he held his arms out. He hugged them

"Ooo not to tight" he said

They were all over him. I went over to them and grabbed Gracie. She was on his legs. I held her.

"I missed you" he said looking up at me

I looked at Gracie and moved her hand up and down.

"Did you miss your dada" I whispered

"Yes" she smiled

"Me too" I smiled looking at him


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