Chapter 45

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3 days later

Meredith's POV

Derek and I were at the hospital. The news has really been freaking us out. We've been checking on Nova every hour in daycare. If we can't then we get Lexie, Addison, anyone we trust to make sure. I was in surgery taking a gallbladder out. I went under the liver and my intern clipped it. I got it out. We've been in here for 2 hours. I started scrubbing out when I saw people running outside. I finished scrubbing and Lexie was running.

"Lexie" I said

"Mer can't talk. Stab wound trauma in ER" she said

I went with her. The man was in a trauma room with Bailey. He was unconscious and stabbed a couple times. I looked at his head. Lexie was with 3 other interns trying to fix his stats. I paged neuro, trauma, and ortho. Callie and Derek finally came in as I was cleaning the wound. He was shot in the leg. The bullet had an exit wound, so we didn't have to do surgery for it. I grabbed a gauze pad and dabbed a little blood. Owen came in and put his gloves on. Derek was checking the patients head. Callie was next to me checking to see if he injured his leg. Lexie started more fluids. Derek wrapped the patients head with a huge bandage wrap. His head was bleeding a lot. We took him to the OR. Derek and I were the last ones to scrub in. He held his ferry boat cap out and handed it to me. I started smiling. He turned around and I tied it on his head. He tied mine on.

"I bought Nova ferry boat sheets for her crib" he smiled washing his hands

"You didn't" I smirked

"I did and I got them exactly to match my scrub cap" he smiled

He dried his hands.

"I lo-" I said and Bailey started saying something

"Patients crashing" we heard Bailey yell

"Shit" Derek said running in

I quickly scrubbed in and ran inside. I gowned and gloved. I went to the patient and helped. He finally stabilized. We were all fixing him. We stitched his liver up and Jackson was stitching his stab wounds. We all finished and scrubbed out. The nurses took him to the ICU. I scrubbed my hands really thoroughly. I walked up to daycare and saw Nova. I grabbed her and sat in a bean bag chair holding her. I was bouncing her up and down on my legs. She was giggling the whole time. I held her next to me and Derek walked in. He sat next to me.

"I need a baby break" he sighed

I handed Nova to him. He held her in his arms and started playing with her hand. Lexie paged Derek and I. The patient was awake.

"Ugh I want to be with her longer" he said looking down

She started smiling at him.

"No. I know you're going to stay. Get up" I smiled as I got up

He kissed her head and handed her to me. He got up and I brought her back with her little friends. We left the room and went down to the patients room. He was drinking water. Derek checked his stats. Lexie started checking his vitals next to him.

"Hey miss can you hand me my bag" he asked Lexie

"Of course" she said turning around

She picked his bag up and handed it to him. He looked through it while she was checking his eyes. I saw something shiny. He pulled it out and grabbed Lexie. He had a knife and held it next to her throat.

"If you call the police. She's dead" he said

Lexie was shaking. Derek and I glanced at each other. I looked at Lexie. She had her eyes close.

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