Chapter 74

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The next morning I woke up and got ready for the day. Gracie started crying. I went into her room. Her hair's gotten darker since she was born. I picked her up and tried to stop her from crying. I sat on the rocking chair. Derek was downstairs with everyone.

"Shhh it's okay. Mommy's here" I said rocking her

I lifted my shirt up. I put her on my nipple and she latched on. She started sucking.

"There. Is that better" I smiled

I saw the door starting to open. I looked over and saw nova walking in

"Hi sweetie" I smiled

"Mama milk" she giggled running over to me

"Mama milk" she said putting her hands up for me to pick her up.

I picked her up and sat her on my lap.

"You're a big girl now Nova. You don't need any of my milk" I said

"Milk" she smiled putting her hand on my breast

I moved it away and she started crying.

"Honey don't be sad" I said trying to comfort her.

Gracie let go of my nipple and started crying.

"Derek" I yelled

I held them both

"DEREK" I yelled

I didn't know what to do. He finally came in out of breath

"Yeah what's going on" he said walking over to me

He tried to pick nova off and she hit him

"Hey don't do that" he said to her

She kept hitting him and he held her arms down

"What's going on. Talk to me" he said kissing her tears away

"Did mommy yell at you because if she did. We will get her back" he smiled

She started laughing through her cries. I tried soothing Gracie

"Ah see got you" he said tickling her

"Dadaaa" she laughed

He stopped and she hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her. He looked up at me

"What happened" he asked me

"She was mad because I wouldn't breastfeed her" I said

He smirked at me

"Don't you dare say anything" I said looking down at Gracie

She started sucking on my nipples and started eating.

"Hey Nova your baby sister has to get certain stuff that comes out of your mommy in that milk. You are healthy without it because you're a big girl, but she can't be healthy without it because she's a little girl" he said fixing her shirt

He picked her up and sat on the side of the chair. He stood her on his lap and I looked at both of them.

"You're a great dad" I whispered

"I am aren't I" he smiled

He bounced nova on his leg and she loved it.

"Let's leave your mommy and baby sister alone. Okay?" He asked

She nodded and he picked her up. They left the room. I looked at Gracie and she kept watching me.

"You and your big sister are going to have so much fun when you get older" I smiled

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