Chapter 85

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We ate dinner and I fed Gracie. Derek went over to me. He cleaned my cut out and put a bandage over it.

"Glad you're okay" he whispered

He walked past me and grabbed the girls. He went upstairs with them.

"I hope we get Amelia back, she's fun" Lexie said

"I know. I miss her" Maggie said

"I do too" I sighed

We talked for a while and I started getting tired. I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas. I laid in bed and looked at him.

"Yes" he smiled

"Is Amelia okay" I asked putting my finger on his chest

He put his phone down and looked at me

"She's doing okay. Not as good as I hoped, but okay" he said kissing my lips

"I know she's your friend and I'm sorry" he said

"I know" I said tearing up

He hugged me

"Are the girls sleeping" I asked

"Yeah they both passed out quickly" he smiled letting go of the hug

I backed up and turned around. I pulled the blanket over myself and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and turned around. Derek was gone. I got up and took a shower. I got dressed and walked out of the room. Lexie was cooking breakfast downstairs. I went into Nova's room. She was still sleeping. I went into Gracie's room and changed her. I put her into a purple butterfly white onesie. I fed her and went downstairs. I went over to the kitchen. Lexie handed me plate and cup.

"Thanks" I said

She poured some juice into my cup

"Yeah no problem" she said holding her hands out

I started smiling. I handed Gracie to her. She walked away with her and I started eating my pancakes.

"Oh your husband was in a rush today. You should see what happened" she said

"What do you mean" I asked

"He ran down the steps and ignored everything. He got into his car and drove away" she said

"I'll talk to him later" I said eating some eggs

I finished everything and Nova came down with her turtle stuffed animal

"Is this your little friend" I smiled

"Mmhm" she said

I picked her up and put her onto the stool. I made a plate for her and handed it to her. I poured a cup of chocolate milk and gave it to her. I went over to Lexie and sat next to her. We were watching tv.

"Do you want to go swimming" Lexie smiled

"Yeah" I smiled

"Yayyyy" nova smiled

We went upstairs. I went to Nova's room and put a bathing suit onto her. She ran out of the room and I went into my room. I put a black bikini on and grabbed some beach towels. I went downstairs and walked outside. I put the beach towels down and Nova came running out. I dove into the pool and turned to look at her.

"Jump" I smiled holding my hands out.

I backed up

"I promise I got you" I smiled

She took a running start and jumped into my hands. I caught her and she started laughing. Her feet touched the water and she started shivering. Lexie came out with Gracie and we all were in the pool together. It was a really hot day today.

3 weeks later

I have been so tired from trying to help these 2 patients that came in from the gun wounds. I went into Derek's office and laid on the couch. The girls were in here. I stayed here for a little bit and left. I went to the patients room and realized that security left. There was only one left here guarding. I went to do my charts and heard screaming. I looked over and a guy with a knife stabbed the security guard. The security guard tried to grab his gun, but the dude with the knife got it first. I hid behind the nurses station and looked at them. I pressed a code. We were on lockdown. I looked at the guys. He picked the patient up and took him out of the room. I tried to run to Derek's office. I texted him. I lost the people. I went to Derek's office and was still hiding. I was hiding behind a trash can. The guys were here. They were trying to open his office. Derek came out and tried to stop him. He put his knife towards Derek and I saw it go in. He twisted it inside of him. I started crying. The girls were in his office and he fell to the ground. He saw me and shook his head 'no'. He fell face first and the 2 guys left. I ran over to Derek and turned him over. He put his hand on the stab wound. It was deep. He started coughing up blood and I lifted his head up

"How many times do I have to be stabbed for you" he said trying to laugh but wincing and spitting up blood

"This isn't funny. I need to get you somewhere" i said

"No, you go. Get the girls and leave. I'll be fine, you go" he smiled

"I can't leave you" I cried

"It's okay" he said holding my hand

I gripped his tight

"Get them out of here" he said

"I'm going to get someone for you" I said grabbing my phone

I went into the office and looked out of the door. I called Bailey. I looked out of the door and the guys came back. He held his knife to Derek and fell on him. Derek kept wincing in pain as he kept stabbing them. The girls started crying and they looked at me. Derek was dead. I started crying loudly. They opened the door and looked down at me. They looked at the girls and walked over to them.

Then I woke up sweating and realized this was all a dream. I started shaking.

"Hey Mer are you alright" he asked

I looked over at him. He was sitting in his office chair doing paperwork

"Yeah. I'm fine" I said coughing.

"You don't look so good" he said

"I said I'm fine" I said

I was about to puke. I got up and ran to the trash can. I emptied everything that I had inside of me. He got up and went over to me. He rubbed my back and I puked more. Why was I having such vivid dreams?

"What's up" he said

"I don't know. I haven't been feeling well" I said

"Wanna go home" he asked

"I think I have to" I said

He grabbed some tissues and handed them to me. I wiped my mouth and threw them into the trash can. I wiped hand sanitizer all over my hands and went to the kids. I picked Gracie up and Derek took Nova. He put his trash can outside of the door so that someone would come and get it. We left his office and went to the lobby. We were about to walk out, but it was pouring outside. The wind was crazy.

"I guess you're staying" he said as the doors opened and the rain was really loud

"Yeah I guess I am" I said through the rain

We went to the cafe and ate some lunch together. We finished and I went to go check on Amelia. Lexie was in the room. Cristina came to me.

"Hey I've missed you" she said

"I missed you too" I smiled hugging her

She looked down at Gracie

"She's gorgeous" she smiled

"I know" I smiled

"How's izzie" I asked

"Izzie" she asked

I smirked at her

"Ohhh yeah about that" she smiled

"We aren't a thing we're just friendly" she said

"Mmhm" I smiled

"We are" she said

We both started laughing.

Ayoooo I had to do it😏

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