Scenario: You/Them ask eachother out

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"(F/n) Do you wanna come with me to this new Restaurant?" Hashi asks.

Currently he had asked you to help him with work and you didn't have anything better to do so you of course accepted the offer.

"Hm? Like a Date?" You ask Teasingly. He blushes and nods.

"Hm, Sure you wanna go now or-" the Tree man immediately starts to drag you with out even letting you finish your d*mn sentence.

You pout a little but let him hold your hand.


"(___)!!! You need to go Oooouuuuttttssssiiiiidddddeeee!!!!!" Hashi screamed on the other side of your door.

"I'm busy, maybe later" You mumble and continue to ignore your baby of a brother.

Suddenly you feel a Chakra presence inside your office and being the skilled Shinobi you are you immediately grabbed a Kunai and swinged at the person.

Sadly it was Tobirama and he grabbed your arm and Hirishaned outside your Office door. "It is not healthy for the Senju clan head to be inside all day without eating anything" Tobirama scolded. You scoff at this and you walked back into your office going back to work.

"Hm, Senju Clan leader needs to stay healthy you know" You look up from your work and see none other then Madara Uchiha.

"So what? A starving the day helps with staying focused" you mumble while reading the complaints of your fellow clan members.

"How about this, I'll leave you alone and I will make sure your brothers leave you alone if you go on a walk with me" Madara says. You look at him briefly then nod standing up and stretching. Then he leads the way to your little walk and you 2 converse about what you do as clan heads.


"Hey, Tobi! Look let's go eat there! I think the food there is great!" You say happily. Most of the time you are calm and happy but this is an uncommon sight for many.

I mean, you are the most well known Docter in all the Land. Also known as a calm person.

Tobirama glares at you though. Ever since that incident in the lab you both hanged out a lot more.

Tobirama then nods and follows you inside the restaurant. (Bipolar snow bunny)


"Hey Izuna!" You yell from literally a mile away. The only way you can see him is through your byakugon. He somehow heard you and literally sprinted to where you are.

"Izuna, I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me" You say bluntly. "E-eh? Y-you want me t-to go with s-someone as hot a-as y-you?" He stutters. Then he faints. You find it a little startling and catch him before he hits the ground.

"I'll take that as a Yes" You say through a Chuckle.

Yo! Sorry if you didn't like this Chapter and jeez Reader, I think you might Dominate Izuna. Maybe...Hope you like this cute Chapter!

502 Words

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