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Tsundere!Tobirama x Uchiha!Pervert!Top!Reader (Modern)
(Slight Lemon)

(Y/n)-chans PoV

"Uchiha (Y/n)!! Stop reading those perverted books!!" Tobirama yells at me.

I pout.

"You would think being the elder sibling of Madara you would be more Graceful but you are just a-"

"-A pervert My wonderfully tall, Sensitive, beautiful, Snow hare~"

"I cant even be in the same room as you, why must I the great and-"

"-Cute" I add in. Sure I might make him uncomfortable but he is the one who blushes and looks adorable.

"S-stop! Giving me those weird compliments!" He yells. His face going red by every second.

"Oh sweet, sweet, albino Tobi, it's called courting and you love these compliments" I say.

Sure I'm a 3rd year reading a 1st years book, but it is actually really good.

"Gah! What are you doing?" Tobi says. I put him in an Iconic kabedon.

"Your so cute under me, hm this is just like what happened in the book" I say.

He turns into a tomato.

"Stop! I'm going to call-"

"Tobi-chan! What is (Y/n)-San doing to you?" Hashirama says.

"Oi, (Y/n) the f*ck are you doing to the 2nd year?" Ototo asks.

"Hm? Nothing? Just showing how much I love him, that's all Ototo" I say, with a smirk. Tobirama clearly gets flustered and heated up. Looking at the tent in between his legs.

"Tobi-chan! Did the bad Person hurt you?!" Hashirama yells shoving me away from 'Tobi-chan'

"Hn, Let's go Ototo it's clear they want to be alone" I say to Madara.

"Hn, You need to stop reading those Perverted books weirdo" Madara says hitting the top of my head.

"Hn, I dont think I will" I say with a chuckle.

I look over at Tobirama and wink at him. He sees me and looks away.

"Say, what time is it?" I ask my cute Ototo

"Hn, 3:15, Hashi idiot wants to have a study date with us and Senju" Ototo says, swatting my hand away before I can ruffle his long hair.

"Hm, okay should we wait for them?"

"Sadly yes" Madara says.

"Hmph! (Y/n)-san!! You need to leave my Ototo alone!!" Hashirama yells. I grin at him. Then I put him in a Kabedon causing him to go red by Embarrassment.

"Look Tree hugger, Your brother is Jealous~ he loves all the attention I give him~ Therefore I'm not going to stop Courting your brother" I say in his ear.

"Hmph! Your lucky Your a hot Uchiha! You can get him easily" He says. I chuckle and release him.

"Don't worry Ototo, I'll let you keep this one" I say. Madara glares at me and looks away.

"Snow ha-" Tobirama glares at me and looks away.

"Sh*t, I did something didn't I?" I mumble.

Ototo nods and starts to drag me into the 3rd year Library. (Yes the school has a library for each grade.)

While we do that I notice a crowd of chicks running at us.

"(Y/n)!!! Madara!!! Hashirama!!!!! Tobirama!!!" The girls yell.

They start to grab the other 3 and Myself but I notice they were trying to kiss Tobirama, causing my blood to boil.

"Tch, this is mine Ladies, you can't have him" I say as I get in front of Tobirama protectively.

"Weirdo, Hashirama and I will handle this" Madara says. I laugh.
...making half the girls fall over.

"Alright Ototo, Snow Princess let's go~" I say. And hold MY Snow princess's hand.

"Rail me Daddy/Mommy (Y/n)!!!!" A girl says.

"Sorry, I'm not into that kinds stuff" I say as I pick Tobirama up like a sack of Potatoes.

"I have things to do tonight anyways" I mumble.

Tobirama covers his face with his hands.

"Cutie" I say.

I set him down when we arrive at the Library.

"Tobirama, how do you feel about my Compliments? Do you want me to stop?" I ask.

Maybe its dumb, but I want to make sure that I'm not playing with his or my own feelings.

"No! Don't stop!" He says, all of a sudden.

"Good, By the way I like you Tobi-chan~" I say. He turns away from me.

"Do you really want to get in my pants that much Uchiha?" He asks.

My eyes widened.

"No of course not. I am doing this because I can't think of any other way to confess how much I like you" I say as I caress Tobiramas cheek.

"I never meant to make you think that" I mumble.

Tobirama looks at me and takes away my Icha Icha Paradise book.

"Stop reading these, I dont want to be the one to suffer because of your Horniness" He says. I smirk and give him a kiss. He starts to kiss back before I pull away.

"If you want to, I can ask Tree-"


Yo! Tobirama gives me bottom/tsundere vibes. Hope you enjoyed this Pervert-ish chapter!

838 Words

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