Scenario: How your children are

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Itama gets Hashis hair, eyes, and power but he inherits your nose and personality. Surprisingly she inherits Tobiramas smarts.

So when you guys found out she had that sort of smarts Tobirama kidnapped her for special Uncle-niece time.

You hated the fact that Tobi randomly kidnapped Itama so you knocked some sense into Him. It worked a little bit.

Itama is a sweetheart though.


(S/n) gets Your looks but the Uchihas personality. You took note immediately when you found out how possessive both Madara and (S/n) when they team up.

But most of the time the 2 fought for your attention. Which then lead to Hashi and Tobi wanting some sibling love. So basically it turned out to be a battle for attention.

You would normally go back inside your office when you saw the fight.

Tobi hated (S/n)s personality and immediately tried to discipline him. Key word: Tried.

(S/n) also has your pervy uhm attitude. But he shows it more openly. He is a big pervert and Madara blames you for it.


Tobi died before he could see them. In the giving birth chapter he was tooken away and Izuna killed him there in the forest.

I'm kidding. Anyways so Tsuyoi inherits Your (H/c), personality, and nose. He gets Tobiramas Eyes and cold-ish side when he gets bored or angered.


(D/n) however got a kind and shy personality. Which led you to often making her cry just because of your feisty attitude. (D/n) got your looks though so that's good.

(D/n) is a cutie with a badass family.

How tempting it is for all of them to just be cousins. Maybe I should do that. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

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