Scenario: You are feeling insecure

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Tree your PoV

"You need to lose some of that weight (F/n) your mom would be asha-" I punched aunt debora before she could even finish that sentence.

Sure that might seem bad but she started it. Actions speaks louder then words.

"(F/n)! Why did you hit your Aunt!? Disgraceful little bra-!"

"If you finish that sentence I will make you see a medical Ninja" I say with a smirk.

'Why the hell did they even come into MY house knowing that I am THE HOKAGES WIFE, the one that helps strategize for a WAR' I deadpan.

"Get out, if you don't I will send you to he-"

"(N/n)! I'm ho-....Am I interrupting something?" Tree for a husband asks.

"No, they were leaving Hashi" I say with a fake happy tone. The stupid motherfuc-I mean family members all file out of the room.

When I see that they are all gone I hug Hashirama tightly.

"Do you think I'm fat?" I say muffled by the clothing he is wearing.

Hashirama hugs back. "Not even for a second, I like the way you are so it doesn't matter" He says and kisses my face everywhere.

Madara your PoV

"(___)-San let me ask you again, Would you like me to take care of the child until it is old enough to understand his parents?" Mito asks.

'This stupid bitch, I should slap you back to that stupid ass village that couldn't protect themselves and ended up getting destroyed' I deadpan.

"Mito" I start. She looks at me with such hopeful eyes. Before I could continue Love comes inside the room holding (S/n).

"Oh? You already told Madara-San?"

I slap her and kick her off the property. "Stupid bitch...." I mumble.

"Weirdo, what was that about?" Love asks.

I walk over to him and (S/n) and give them a big kiss on their foreheads.

"Do you think we will be good enough parents for (S/n)?" I mumble.

Love nods and wraps one of his arms around my waist. "We can try" he mumbles.

Tobirama Your PoV

"Uzumakis are just freaks! They have so much chakra it makes them look ridiculous!" An Anbu member says.

'Am I a freak as they say? I gave birth to 2 children there isn't anything wrong with that...right?' I start to panic.

Just then I feel strong arms wrap around me and a nice cool flowy chakra surrounds me. Instantly I know it is Tobi.

"Don't worry about what they are saying, you can beat them up anyday of the week" Tobi mumbles.

I nod and pat him on the head.

Izuna Your PoV

"You are so much like your mother, short headed, feisty that's why she died, her temper got into her head" Father says.

I give him a blank stare. For the first time in a long time I feel like rethinking my decisions.

"Leave, You are such a failure you couldn't keep the blood line pure" Father says. I stand up to leave.

"Fuck you too old man" I whisper and head back to the compound.

When I arrive I am greeted by Izuna training Tsuyoi and (D/n) sleeping under a tree.

"I'm home..." I mumble and go inside to start dinner.

All of dinner was deadly silent and I just continued to think about what father said.

"Alright kids,time for bed!" Izuna says. The 2 children run upstairs and go to sleep.

"(Name) what's wrong? You haven't ebem said any snarky comments or show any emotion" Izuna asks worried.

I give him a blank stare. What am I supposed to say?

"Am I a failure to you?"I ask.

His eyes widened and he pulls me in for a passionate kiss. "Who are you and what have you done to my (Name)??" Izuna asks.

"(Name) I don't know what you are talking about but You are the best thing that could happen to me, please don't think that" Izu says.

I hug him and give him a little squeeze.


On the last couple minutes of today i finished a chapter! Yay.

693 Words

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