Scenario: How You/He Proposed

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Tree man

"Hashi, where are we going at fuckin before sunrise?" You ask. Clearly you are pissed that your sleeping schedule was getting even more ruined by your loud mean boyfriend.

"(F/n) trust me it'll be fine" he says. You grunt in displeasure but follow him into a field of Sakura trees.

"(F/n), I love you so much! And we have been dating for about 2 years now! Soo, I was wondering if you wanted to have more than we have know!" Hashi says.

You give him this confused look. You start to process this slowly.

After a couple of minutes you see him starting to sulk.

Finally you interpret his words properly. He wants to be your Husband.

You give him this teasing look and he starts to cheer up.

"You mean, You want to date me?" You ask.

He nods and Presents to you a silver ring with a white fading to black gem.

"Yes!" You say and happily take the ring and kiss him on the cheek.


"Oi! Senju! Why are you still doing work at this ungodly hour!?" Madara yells. You pass down the trait of being an over worker to Tobirama.

You look up at him.

"Love, as much as I love you, you know I need to finish this 'ungodly' amount on paperwork the clan gives me" You say.

"Hn" He says. (Is it technically even considered 'saying' when he didn't open his mouth?)

"No more work, let's go" He says and drags you out of your office.

You pout and let him drag you to the old Senju Compound.

You notice it quickly and you look at Madara who isn't bothering to spare a glance at you.

Currently it is 4 30 am in the morning and the Sun is starting to rise.

"(___), Be my permanent (S/O)" Madara says, while presenting a ring with red and white diamonds on it.

You see that you have stopped at Batsumas(I can not spell to save my life) grave.

"Ah, Yes of course Love" You say with a cute, fancy smile on your face.

He blushes but it leaves as quickly as it came.

"Take that! Your eldest is Fiances with an Uchiha! How do you like me now!?" Madara yells at the grave.

You chuckle at this sight.

Racist Man

"Tobirama, Let's go somewhere for a bit" You say. He looks at you reluctantly but gets up and follows you outside.

It is past midnight and the Moon is shining as brightly as ever.

You bring him to a flower field. In the day it looks like a bunch of blobs as colors but at night they all turn into a pale or dark blue.

Tobirama marvels over this sight and looks at this scene then looks at you.

You however take his hand and put a red and blue diamond ring on his left hand.

"Will you Take me as your (S/o)?" You ask.

His Pale skin turns a light Pink color which in you opinion even more prettier.

"Y-yes!" He says. You grin at him and kiss him gentle on the lips.

"My flower" You say and hug him.

Madaras brother

"Izunnnaaaa!! Marry me?" You ask. Right now you are sprawled all over the Man. Your head on his lap as he strokes your hair.

"Where is the ring?" He asks.

You pout but take out a beautiful lavender ring.

"You Have Rings in your Pockets?" He asks. You nod and he gladly takes it.

Sorry if I skipped some of the early stages of falling in love. For some Magical reason I could not find the chapters (there was 2 with 600+ words on it) and I probably won't fix that but if I do, uhm lucky you I guess.

Hope you enjoyed this weird Chapter!

645 Words<3

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