Scenario: When they are feeling Insecure

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Ehm, I have finally updated! Yay, anyways the Bnha book almost has enough chapters to be published so be on a look out for that. tabvvy

Tree hugger
'What if I can't provide a good childhood for Itama?! What if she dies!? She looks like him! She has the Mukotun(however you spell it)?!' Poor Hashi is overthinking everything and feels like bawling.

"Tree man, stop worrying you might get wrinkles on your beautiful face" You say holding the sleeping Itama.

"Uh-uh no buts just be quiet and hold your daughter and stop worrying" you say and give him Itama.

"Besides, You are the only one who can teach her how to use and control Mukotun" Yiu say with a smile.

You give him a kiss and he kisses back. You can practically feel his nervousnes.

"I'm going to go make dinner" You say and leave tree man with his wonderful side kick tree girl.


'Am I a freak for giving birth? I needed an heir. The old geezers said it was fine to have a Senju as a spouse. Especially (___), but those ugly old geezers were probably expecting them to give birth. Damn it! This is making my head hurt! Why should I, the great and Powerful Madara Uchiha Care about what old fossils think!?' Madara starts to smirk at his train of thoughts.

"Love, Would you like me to take care of (S/n) while you go and to the meeting with the Uchiha elders?" You ask like the wonderful person you are.

He glares at the floor. 'Fuck, right..'

"You go, I don't want to talk to those old fossils" He says and looks away like the Tsundere he is.

"Actually no, they are not worthy of your presence" he says and walks towards you.

He tries to remove (S/n) but the brat won't let go of you. "Damn brat, let go! Thus idiot was mine first!" He yells. (S/n) sticks his tongue out and hugs you.

"Love, I can drop (S/n) off at Mitos and we can go together" You say with a heartwarming smile.

He glares at the brat in your arms and nods quickly.

"I hope you know when you want a baby you are putting on the seals, I am not going through that again" Madara mumbles.

You nod and give him a passionate kiss. He kisses back instantly and pushes you against a wall.

When you pulled away you could see clearly that (S/n)s face screamed betrayal.

You chuckled and gave (S/n) a forehead kiss.


'Those evil stares..I wish I wasn't an Albino...' Tobirama thought while he was carrying Tsuyoi and
(D/n) is his arms. He is currently walking around Konoha with his 2 children.

"Let's go visit your Kaa-chan/Tou-san(whatever your gender is)" he mumbles.

When he reaches your office he notices you are on break due to your calm chakra flow.

"(Y/n)" He greets. You look up at hin and your 2 children and give them a big smile.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all those evil stares Tobi" You say and give the trio a big hug.

"Its not your fault..." he mumbles as Tsuyou starts to fall asleep.


'What if I end up liking Hato more then (D/n)!? I mean Hato is the first born but still! They are twins, how do I do this?! I know! Nii-Chan can help!' Izuna mentally says.

"Does it matter? They are both Uchiha, but I suppose you will have to sell off (D/n) to an Uchiha to keep the bloodline pure" Madara says not even sparing his brother a glance.

"Hell nah! My precious Princess is not marrying!" Izuan yells.

"Its not entirely up to you Ototo" Madara mumbles.

"Izuna shut up please? I'm trying to sleep" You mumble as you enter the room with out knocking.

Madara glares at you and Izuna gives you a glare of betrayal.

"(Name)! But what if we let (D/n) marry the wrong Uchiha and sh-"

"You really think a Child with the Byakugon or Sharingan would let anyone hurt her?" You ask resisting the urge to Facepalm.

"Besides, she has us 2 of the strongest fighters in Konoha as parents and is related to the strongest Uchiha" You say in a matter of fact voice.

"She will be fine, now get your ass in bed before I drag you" Yiu threaten.

Izuna hesitantly nods and walks to the room.

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