Scenario: When your kid gets kidnapped

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Once she had ran all the way to the Sakura forset she started to sob. 'Why did I have to be born a girl? Everyone would have been happier if I was a boy..' Itama thinks curling into a ball.

"E-everything that happens is my fault..." She mutters closing her eyes.

"Yesss~ and Everything that willll happen in the future isss your fault~" a unknown voice whispers scarely.

Itama screams and starts to run to the exit. But sadly she trips on a root sticking out.

"W-what do you want from me!?" Itama yells trying to get away.

"I want the Mukodun(is that how you spell it?), you are Senju Itama heir to the Mukoduns secret~" the voice says approaching her.

"No!" She yells and desperately tries to send him away with vines.

"I wasssnn't asssking" the voice says and knocks her out.


"I hate them...but I love them too" he mumbles hugging his knees as he sits down on a hill.

"I even flashed my sharingan at them" (S/n) mutters touching his eye sockets skin.

"Maybe I should just beat the hell out of those kids who talk about him like that..." (S/n) concludes with a small smile.

"Oh? Well guess what kid, that will be the last time you see them or see at all!" A voice says from a bush.

(S/n) flashes his sharingan and concludes that its a sound ninja.

"Who are you! What the fuck to you want?!" (S/n) yells preparing his kunai.

"I'm unimportant, but your eyes are the sharingan and you have unlimited chakra huh? Yes you will do for master~" the voice says approaching (S/n).

(S/n) starts to flare his chakra for help but before he feels another chakra he is blocked of air.

'I'm going to die here! I need to!' Slowly his eyes start to close.


Tsuyoi stomps over to his room and slams the door.

"I wish they would look after me!!!" He screams into his pillow.

"I'm just a problem for them.." he mumbles tears starting to fall and land on the pillow.

"Exactly~ Now I will take you from them~" a sneaky voice says from the outside door.

"Who are you?" Tsuyoi asks trying to get a lot of space in between him and the stranger.

"I'm a person who will use you to perfection~" the person says walking close to Tsuyoi.

"Tsuyoi?! Are you okay? I felt another chakra in your room and felt worried! Are you good?" You ask knocking on the door.

"Ugh, troubled mothers am I right?" The voice says with a smirk.

"Steam style: smoke screen!" The voice says as you slam the door open.

"Kaa-chan/Tou-san!!!" Tsuyoi yells as he gets pushed outside and kidnapped.

"Tsuyoi!" You scream as your golden chains sprout out and start to move rapidly at their direction.

Tsuyoi grabs one but releases it once he felt fire touch his skin.


As (D/n) was walking down the Uchiha alleys she starts to play with her hair.

"M-maybe I s-should go s-say s-sorry" she stutters twirling her hair around her finger.

"Sorry little girl, but it seems that you need money to cross this street~ But I guess you can pay up somehow~" a dirty old man says approaching your daughter.

"H-huh?! N-no! You got the wrong idea! I-I was j-just s-strolling around a-and I-"

"Well whats a little girl going to do about it?~ Cry?" The man laughs as (D/n) starts to shake.

"S-stay away from me! Ah!" She screams as a pair of hairy ugly arms rap around her.

"L-let me go!" She screams kicking  and moving every second.

" S-someone anyone! HELP ME!!!" (D/n) screams starting to sob.

"Hurry knock her out, I would hate to have to deal with her overprotective whore for a parent" the leader says.

The goon that had his arms around her hits a chakra point and (D/n) faints.

"(D/N)!!!" You scream as you finally heard her but in seconds they disappear.

What will they do to the poor brats now that they have them in their hold? Dunno, anyways hope you enjoyed!

723 Words!

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