Scenario: When you Get Jealous

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(S/O) = Significant other


"Ah!~ Hashi-chan! It's been so long!~" Hashiramas ex said.

Hashirama physically glared, and you noticed her easily.

"Uhm, Hi! I'm (F/n), who are you?" You ask. You are really good at meeting people so you just went with the regular routine.

"Tch! Who do YOU think you are? Being around my Hashi-chan! Hmph!" She yelled.

"Oh uhm, I'm actually his (S/O)..."
You say. She glares at you and ends up clinging to Hashiramas arm and Hashi continues to try and get her off his arm.

After not even 5 minutes with being around her you are about ready to slap her.

"Listen, I wanted to be friends but I suppose you just need a beating you little wh*re, I have a feeling you cheated on him with some other man sl*t, I suggest you leave before this hand makes a not so pretty mark on your doll face, aight?" You say. You gave her a death glare which only made you scarier.

She yelped and ran off. Hashirama was turning red. Both because he thinks what you did was hot and of Embarrassment.

You hug Hashirama protectively. "Mine" you mumble kissing him passionately.


"Brother!!! *Cough x2* I'm sick, can you make some tea for me?" Izuna asks, as he lays on a futon you had put out for him.

"Tch, Fine" Madara mumbles. Izuna ends up showering you with compliments leaving you sighing and smiling at him.

You had to go to the bathroom like any normal human being. But when you came back you noticed how Izuna kept on hugging and pouncing up and down of Madaras lap.(not in a perverted way, he just kept on like getting off and on of Madaras lap)

This continued to happen until Izuna went to bed.

You don't understand what this feeling is. It's like this sudden need for affection. 'I'll ask Madara what it is' you thought.

"Love I have a question," you say. He looks at you and 'hn'ned.

"There has been this weird feeling in my chest area practically begging for some affection, what is this feeling?" You ask.

He seems to be thinking before chuckling lightly. He then pulls you in for a hug and your body relaxed and snuggles into the man's chest.

"It's called jealousy" he Mumbles.


Don't get me wrong, you like Hashirama as a friend. But your personalitys just don't mix. So when You were reminded that Tobirama was with Hashirama you decided to leave them alone.

Sure you might be feeling Jealous of the Hokage but you aren't going to tell Tobirama that.

Later in the day, when you decide to go find Tobirama you sense his chakra in the Hokages room. You decided (again) not to bother him and go home.

But he seems to have noticed you even from a far and Hirishaned to you.

Your pout disappears as quickly as it came and you see Tobirama smiling a bit.

"Yes, Tobi?" You ask.

"You have been turning away from me, why?" He asks.

"BecauseI'mjealoseofHashirama" You mutter.

He looks at you surprised and Hirishaned to your house and puts you down on a Futon. Then he goes to prepare you a tea.

"(Y/n) Would you like some attention from me?" Tobi asks as if it is not obvious. You glare at him but nod. You spend the day drinking tea and conversing with your Boyfriend.


When you found out Izuna has a Girl bestfriend you almost broke Madara's arm. Leaving him scared in a corner you go find Izuna hanging out with the Las.

"Oh hey (Name)! This is (R/n)!" Izuna yells. You glare at her. (R/n) is your younger sister that you used to love playing with but then she turned into a b*tch in your opinion.

"Oh hey (Name)~, I hope you don't mind me" she says.

You hate her so much now you hate her more than the Uchihas hate the Senju's.

"I hope you don't mind this as well" she says and kisses Izuna on the Cheek.

For the Hyuuga's kissing ones (S/o) is practically demanding war. So of course it got on your nerves.

"Hey (R/n), I know we are best friends and all but no kissing, only (Name) can do that" Izuna says.

She looks at him mischievously and kisses him again. Rather this time she kisses him on the neck.

You had enough of this and literally brought out your Byakugon out. You flared your Chakra to show just how mad you are.

She smirks and does the same.

...this ends with you beating the absolute sh*t out of her and leaving her paralyzed on the ground, you happily smirk at Izuna.

The Uchihas around you understand the feeling so they weren't afraid. Izuna just sighs and Pouts.

Oh and (R/n) decides to snitch but gets hit by Your Pa and Ma for doing such a thing in public.

I'm sorry! I just wanted to show how much of a baddie you are! Hope you enjoyed scary you!

859 Words

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