Izuna Oneshot

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Player-ish!Izuna x Popular!Female!Reader
(Modern Au)

3rd Person

"(Name)!!!" The teacher yells. (Name) is just sitting down falling asleep in a boring english class. "Wha? Oh shi-!" "Do not use that type of language in my classroom!!"

The class started to glare at poor (Name). Sure she was Popular but she would get in trouble for no reason. "But I was just closing my eyes!" (Name) conters.

"For raising your voice at me you will go to detention!" Teach yells. (Name) glares at the Teacher but Teach glares back.

"Tch, fine you ugly Hoe, By the way I saw the Principle fucking you on my desk, it's a shame you have to do that for a living" (Name) says. The Teacher turns red of either Anger or Embarrassment. But the class holds in a laugh.

"LEAVE!!!!" The teacher screams. "Alright, Alright I'm leaving" (Name) says as she walks towards the door.

When she opens the door she accidentally bumps into one of her lower classmates at the door. But luckily catches her by the arm.

"Gah! I'm sorry Senpai!" The smaller more angelic person says.

"Hm, no problem short sack" (Name) says and patts the girls head.

"See ya around" (Name) says and leaves to The detention room.

"(L/n)! What brings you here?" One of (Name)s favorite teacher asks. "I got in trouble for closing my eyes" (Name) says as she gives the Teacher the slip.

"They like targeting you huh?" He asks. "Yeah, I don't know why either" (Name) says as she rubs her neck.

"Hm, here fill it in and your free to go" Teach says. (Name) nods. 'No one is here' she notes.

Timeskip to after class

"(Name)! You should definitely go to the Sleepover the Uchiha Brothers are hosting!" (B/f/n) says. "Uh-huh, Who will be there?" (Name) asks as she walks past the Gym with (B/f/n).

"Madara, Izuna, Hashirama, Tobirama, Mito, Me, and you" (B/f/n) says.

"I never said I was going tho-"

"Welp! That's to damn bad!" (B/f/n) says and drags (Name) to her house to prepare for the sleepover.

After the whole mess, you arrive at the house, Your PoV

(B/f/n) rings the doorbell and I wait there. "No ones home, I'm going home no-" I was cut off by a terrifying glare from (B/f/n).

The door then opens revealing a happy Hashirama.

"(B/f/n)! (Name)! You made it! Just in time for 7 minutes in heaven!" Hashi says. My eyes widen, and I glare at (B/f/n).

"Okay! Time to come in before it starts to get cold!" Hashi says and he drags me inside and (B/f/n) follows.

'Dear Kami, why do you do this to me? I never wanted to be Popular! I just wanted to get high school done with!' I mentally sulk.

When we finally get there I am dropped to the ground. "(Name), (B/f/n), put one of your belongings in the hat" Tobirama says.

(B/f/n) happily takes the hat and goes somewhere to put an item inside. When she comes back I walk to the other room and I put in a paperclip.

Then I notice there is already a damm paperclip. "What a bother" I mumble and put in a chopstick.

"Alright! Izuna you go first!" Hashirama says. Tobirama, Mito and Madara sigh. It seems they also were hooked into this.

Izuna nods and picks out the Chopstick I put in. 'Was I supposed to mix it?' I ask myself mentally.

Izunas face turns red and goes inside a closet. I turn for the door but Madara Pushes me inside. "7 minutes you 2!" (B/f/n) says.

"Yo" I say to the taller person. "H-hey...." he whispers. I finally notice the position we are in. He is putting me in a Kabedon.

"Shit, sorry" he mumbles and removes his arms from the wall. Yet he continues to move closer towards me.

"(Name) I know you might not trust my reputation at school but I promise you that I love you" Izuna confesses.

I smirk and caress his Face. He smiles and moves his face closer to mine. Before our lips met I move my lips to his ear.

"Its a shame that (R/n) Broke your heart, you were much more fun before" I whisper. His eyes widen and he immediately glares at me.

"How do you know about that?" Izu asks. "I know a lot of things" I reply.

Izuna glares at me but I pull him into a kiss. "But I also know I wouldn't mind being with you" I say again.

Izunas eyes widened but nods eagerly wanting another kiss. But right before he could steal one Mito opens the door.

"Here, call me" I say as I throw a tiny peice of paper towards him.

I went All out! I felt bad that Izuna wasn't getting a lot of attention in this book so here ya go!

842 Words

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