Pt 2 Of his Protector

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Who am I kidding? Look at the first chapter if you want to know.

2nd PoV

You 3 arrive at the Uchiha compound. You are still holding the stupid ropes that you despise. But you end up seeing Madara himself in a Yukuta.

"(F/n)! You brought your pets like expected!" Izuna says drunk.

"Don't touch them" You warn. He laughs and nods.

"Alright, you 2 may go over there with the other Senjus, behave" You say dropping the ropes.

The other Uchihas look towards them with a evil looking stare.

"If you touch them I'll kill you" You say with a low voice. Madara laughs and nods.

"My, my (F/n) how feisty you've become" Madara says. You glare at his drunken state.

"Hn, get this over with, I have things to do" You mumble taking a seat in the corner. 'I hate it here' was what you thought until you saw the 2 you took in scared for their lives.

So being the good Owner you are you walk towards them and the rest of the Senju's.

"(F/n)-san..." Hashirama says. You look at him boredly and sit down with the Senju's.

"We are leaving soon, It smells like Sake and vomit" You say. But then you realize that Tobirama is also drunk and Dancing for the Senju's. You glare at the elder brother.

'Kami, why are you doing this to me?' You mentally sulk. "Tobirama, Kessaki let's go" You demand. Kessaki runs towards you with a frightened expression.

You immediately soften up. "What's wrong?" You mumble awkwardly. She hugs you around the neck and buries her face into your shoulder.

"T-the evil men were chasing me with red eyes" she sobs. You glare at your clans men.

"Oi, Senju head, fetch me your brother we are leaving" You command. Hashirama slowly nods and leaves.

Your sharingan flashes and you assert dominance over the men. "Keep this as a warning" You say. And in a flash they are all cut and on the ground.

Madara and Izuna glare at your blank stare.

"Oi, Senjus pick these low lives up" You say as you carry Tobirama Bridal style and put Kessaki on your back. Both asleep.

"What a drag" You mumble continously.

When you get home

You drop the Albino man on the ground waking him up. "Albino, get your sorry ass up you have chores to do and tuck in the brat" You say. He glares at you when he sees the blood on your face.

"Did you kill my clan me-"
"Shut the hell up, I didn't kill anyone" You say with a glare.

"Hurry up, I have things to do I expect the chores to be done with when I get back" You say.

"But its sunset.." He mumbles. You pat him on the head. "Hurry up, I'll be back soon"

He nods and You remove the rope off of him and Kessaki.

"Don't leave the house, if you do then you will die" You say and leave dramatically.

With you

You head into a ramen shop not to far away from your home.

"(F/n)-chan! How was the feast?" (B/f/n) asks. You glare at the table.

"Bloody" You say. She laughs at the response. "Did they touch one of your Senjus?" She asks. "I hate how you know me so well..." You mumble downing a sake bottle.

"Okay, Should I call your Albino one to pick your drunk ass up?"

"Nah, leave him alone, this is punishment for getting drunk and dancing to weirdos who aren't me" You mumble drinking another 2 bottles.

"So your ignoring him? What makes you think that's punishment?" (B/f/n) asks.

"HoW sHoUlD i KnOw? I dOn'T eVeN kNoW hOw To PuNiSh SoMeOnE" You say clearly drunk.

(B/f/n) sighs and goes to your side of the table. Putting your arm over her shoulders she starts to walk towards your place. After she closes the shop.

When you 2 your house

(B/f/n) knocks on the door. "M-madara-San, what are you doing here?" She asks.

"I was Looking for my friend but instead I found 2 lowly Senju's" He says.

Immediately you look at him with violent drunk eyes. "If you touched them *hic* I'll kill your Senju" You say.

(B/f/n) and Madara sweat drop. "(F/n) why don't you rest? It's clear your drunk" Madara says lifting your chin.

"Wheres the fun in that? You and Izuna got drunk Its my turn" You slur.

"Anyways, can we go inside? Its cold" (B/f/n) says.

When you enter you see Hashirama and Tobirama in a corner.

"I'm leaving, I need to go d-" You get cut off by the annoying man.
"-drink?" Madara finishes with a smirk.

Tobirama notices you and rushes over to you. "Hn, Your still wearing the kimono I gave you..." You mumble as (B/f/n) pushes you on him.

"You reek of sake.." Tobirama mumbles. Turning red for some reason.

"Why is the stupid assholes here? Why did you let them in?" You question leaning on the Albino.

He looks down and you stumble to a wall.

"I-...I wanted to leave with Kessaki..." he whispers.

You give him a blank stare and Madara glares at him. Madara moves towards the Albino and raises his hand to slap slap him.

"If you hurt my toy I'll kill yours" You say holding a kunai against Hashiramas neck.

'Wow, yandere much?' (B/f/n) deadpans.

Madara smirks and pats Tobirama on the head. You glare at him and let Hashirama go.

"Get the hell out, all of you I want to be alone with Albino" You say. Your sharingan glowing red.

Madara grins in amusement and pulls Hashirama away, (B/f/n) leaving to attend her shop.

"Good" You mumble and collapse to the ground. Tobirama glares at the door and rushes to help you.

"Kami why did you give me such a stupid Uchiha as a owner...?" He mumbles picking you up and walking to the futon which you gave him to sleep on.

To be continued...

1,027 Words

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