Hashirama Oneshot!

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Hashirama x Ex-Anbu!Hatake!Fem!Reader
(Modern-ish Au!)
TW: Swearing

2nd PoV

"[Y/n] [L/n]. You are needed at the Anbu headquarters" A newly recruited Anbu says.

"Ha? What the fuck does Tobirama want with a retired fucking ninja?" You ask in complete annoyance.

You are in a wheelchair and was relaxing looking at the sky before rudely being disturbed.

"[L/n] just come" The Anbu says.


You start to roll away to the Anbu headquarters and internally groan as you remember how close it is to the Hokage tower.

'That means I will have to see the dumbass who made me lose my legs' You complain.

Your legs have been cut off and you only have your arms and chest now. Sure you can walk on your hands but it would only make things much harder and you didn't exactly feel luke being made fun of just because you look like a toy.

Also due to your lose of legs you retired the Anbu at the age of 25. All because of the stupid Hokage of Konohagakure.

"Oi, Newbie open the door for me" You order as you get to the tower.

Despite it being called 'the Anbu headquarters' it is actually in the Hokages tower all the way at the top.

"Leader-Sama told you to meet at the Hokages room" The Anbu said.

"Fuck look at all them stairs!" You complain.

So you do what a Ninja in your situation does. Walk on the wall with your hands using chakra.

"Man I'm getting rusty" You say to yourself.

Once you arrived at the room you tap the door down with your finger.

"What the hell do you want? I was relaxing mother fucker" You ask the Albino.

"[L/n] remember who's presence you are in" Tobirama warns with a glare.

"Who? Who's presence am I in? Does it look like I give a fuck either? You should be telling fucking tree man that, My legs where cut off for that mother fucker" You say clearly pissed off.

"[L/n] Calm down, Anyways you are to help Hokage-Sama with his paperwork as I will be on a long term mission" Tobirama announces.

"...Yeah I'm not fucking doing that" You say as you start to walk on your hands out.

"You shouldn't be talking hand woman, Have you forgotten that we can just lock you in here?" A cocky Anbu reminds.

"You and what door?" You ask as you point at the broken doors.

"Grrr, Water style: Water prison!" The Anbu yells as he very slowly does the hand signs.

"Enough Cat!" Tobirama yells.

"Ice style: Ice wall" You mumble as you slap your hand on the ground.

The Water prison freezes and you release the wall of ice.

Immediately you fall on your butt and start to pant.

'Damn, I really am getting rusty huh?' You question mentally.

"[Y/n] you need to remember that You are still weakened by the Jutsu Tobirama casted" Hashirama says as he starts to pick you up and place you on the desk next to his.

"Man, I should have let you die there.." You mumble as Hashirama gently smiles.

"But you didn't and I am grateful" Hashirama says as his smile starts to grow.

"Tobirama you are dismissed" Hashi says. The Albino nods and the Anbu members leave.

"Stop giving me that ass eating smile!" You yell as you turn your head from the ball of Sunshine.

"You know you love me~" Hashirama says as he nuzzles your neck.

"We shouldn't keep our relationship secret like this..." He mumbles as he inhales your scent.

"Shut up...You know how many times I would get kidnapped if anyone knew" You say as you pet his head.

"I guess...But does thi-"
"Keep dreaming if you think We arent doing any work" You interrupt.

Hashirama pouts and starts to sulk. "Stop being a lazy ass and get my wheelchair so I can move around better!" You yell.

End.                                 672 Words

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