Scenerio: When they Get Jealous

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You were sitting down and talking to your friends from your clan. So you were having a good time.

Poor Hashi. When he saw you hanging out with them you heard that depressed 'Bing!'. Your friends snickered/chuckled at him and you smile.

"(F/n)!! Are you replacing me???" He asks with a Pout.

Your friends burst out laughing and you chuckle at the man.

"Well? Are you '(F/n)'??" One of your friends ask. Hashirama glared at them and you sigh hitting them on the back of the head.

"Nah, he's too cute to replace" You say.

Your friends give you those weird wiggly eye brows and Hashirama blushes. You smirk and give him a kiss on the neck. Practically making him a Tomato.


"Senju" No response.
"Senju" again no response. It's been like that for over 2 days and Madara wants some attention.

For the past 2 days you have not left your office due to the fact that Tobirama went on a mission and Hashi begged you to help him. Of course he gave you guilt trips, those puppy dog eyes, he even went as far as to try and bribe you. You ended up agreeing and now is under the chains of paperwork.

"D*mn it! (___)!" Madara yells. You look up at him with a plain, cold, annoyed look.

"Yes Love?" You say. He glares at the paperwork in front of you and you notice very quickly.

"Later, I promise you I will be at the compound I just... need to finish this and the Clan stuff" You say.

He glares at you. "No! You haven't come out of the Office at all! You are coming with me!" He yells and tries to get you out of your office. Key word, Tries.

"Love, how about you come in and help me?" You say. He grunts and pouts a little but nods.

You 2 finish earlier than expected so you decide to let him have his affection and love he wanted so badly. He takes it and falls asleep.


Currently you are taking care of a patient that has broken most of his bones. As soon as he wakes up he starts to flirt with you and make perverted comments on your body.

Which of course caught the eye of Tobirama. As soon as he heard the comments he glared straight into that mans soul.

He touches your no-no square and you were about to stab his heart but Tobirama holds your arm back.

Instead Tobirama knocks the man out and picks you up (bridal style) out of the hospital.


You are hanging out with Christmas tree, Tree for brains and Ice princess (Madara, Hashirama and Tobirama).

Izuna has recently just arrived at the village after an annoying Mission. So when he saw you smiling he snatched you away and brought you into his room.

He ended up passing out next to you and he starts his cuddling marathon. You blush and hug the man back.

"Were you Jealous?" You ask.

"....Yes" He says and falls asleep.

Just me possibly making a OOC Izuna and Hashirama. But that doesn't matter. Anyways hope you enjoyed this....thing.

537 words

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