Scenario: When he gets drunk

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You feel Tobirama flare his chakra twice and you look over at the direction.

You are currently hanging your laundry and didn't mind that Hashirama hasn't come home yet.

"Tobirama flared his chakra twice...I should go check on him" you mutter as you put down the clothing.

"Itama! I'm going out! Stay inside please!" You yell as you put on some better shoes.

You hear a small 'okay' and you start to jog to Tobirama.

There you see a wasted and smelly Hashirama. "Oh dear...what happened?" You ask your brother-in-law.

"He got upset over something and decided to take it out on a bottle of sake" Tobirama says.

"(F/n) s-so *hic* pretty...L-like how did I..a dumb n-ninja *sob* g-gEt soo lU-ucky?" Hashirama says through sobs.

"Take him home, now." Tobirama demands.

"Yeah yeah" You whisper. Secretly you are actually quite flattered.

You throw his arm around your shoulder and start to walk our ot the bar.

"You stink..."


"(___)!!!!! Madara is drunnnkkkk!!!" Hashirama slurry kicking your office door down.

'My poor door...'
"Hashirama, is Tobirama also dru-"

"No, I helped this dimwit here, just go get that horrid Uchiha" Tobirama mutters.

"Yes Ototo" You smile patting his head.

"I'm not a kid anymore! Stop doing that!" He yells slapping your hand away.

You pout a little and nod. "(S/n) Tale care of your Uncles, I will be right back" you say as you walk out and try to find Madaras chakra.

Once you find him you internally cringe at the sight. There you see Madara throwing up and muttering swears.

"Up you go" You mutter picking him up over your shoulders.

"I apologize for the inconvenience" You mutter and put down 100 yen.

"Hashi must have put you into this" You conclude putting Madara down on the futon.

"Rest, I will be back shortly" You say and walk to get a cup of water.


"Wait so you LET him drink?" You ask the freaking out tree man.

"S-sorta...?" He whimpers out.

"Hashi...rama did yo...u *hic* know that the sen..ju clan and u..chiha clan used fri..ends? *hic*" Tobirama slurs.

"Right, (Y/n) help me out pleaaaseeee?" Hashirama Beggs sulking quite a bit.

"Yeah yeah, Calm down" You say and Help Tobirama up.

"(Y/n)...? Can we have another....kid?" Tobirama asks.

"Hm...let me think about that. No" you answer.


"Hey Madara I brought your wor-What the hell?" You ask looking At a very drunk Izuna along with a flirty drunk Madara.

"You guys got drunk without me? So rude..." You pout.

"Aw come on (Name)~ We can Make it up to you~*hic*" Madara says with a drunk yet lustish state.

"How? By Giving me all of your sake? Sounds like a plan to me" You say stealing 3 whole barrels of sake.

"Haha! Thanks you guys!" You laugh and haul the barrels outside.

"(NaMe)!¡" Izuna slurs with a loud laugh and chases after you.

Aw my heart...damn I'm lonely. I sorta made this in honor for the book cover so yeah. Anyways hope you enjoyed!

536 Words

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