Scenario: The cute things he does with your kid

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"Itama! I'm going to get you!" Hashirama yells running around the house chasing your daughter.

"Nu!" She screams as she continues to run as fast as her little feet let her.

You are making lunch for your 2 balls of sunshine. 'How are they so energetic at 11 am?!' You internally yell.

You hear a loud scream and a loud laugh. "So loud too..." you mumble with a small giggle.


You wake up with a yawn and internally start to enternally debate rather to go back to bed or start brunch.

You look to your side and see your lovely Husband cuddling
(S/n) like a toy.

You couldn't help but smile. 'I should make food, I don't want Love to have to worry for it' You decide and slowly get out of bed careful not to wake the 2 up.


"Tsuyoi, can you make this type of Kanji?" Tobirama asks as he holds his little boys hand.

Tsuyoi sticks his tongue out and colors Tobiramas hand.

You giggle quietly as you slightly open the door to see what they are doing.

"Fine, Let's go find your Kaa-San/Tou-San" Tobirama mutters wiping the ink off his hand but it still leaves a stain.

'How cute!' You mentally squeal.


"(D/n) you want to help me make some Ramen?" Izuna asks holding the baby girl in his arms.

"Da!" She squeals putting her hands out to Touch her father's face.

"We can make it as a surprise for Kaa-San/Tou-San!" Izuna says.

(D/n) nods and slowly starts to get the eggs and noodles.

"How about you get the noodles and I'll get the rest" Izuna says patting his kid on the head.
She giggles and nods.

"I'm home" You mutter as you start to take off your shoes.

"K-kaa-San!" (D/n) squeals running towards you with her arms up.

"Hi short stack" You say and pick up the little baby and walk towards the kitchen.

"Thanks dummy" You mutter and give Izuna a kiss.

Another short one. But that's okay because the chapters I have in mind will be a bit longer then these! Reader-San in Izunas scenarios is the cool mom and you can't tell me other wise. Hope you enjoy!

385 Words!

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