Story 1

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Since I don't feel like working on the oneshots yet, here is just a stupid writing prompt I came up with that includes the Founders.
War Au
Tw: Death

'Shit! Suna is going to kill us!' [F/n] mentally yells.

"Hashirama! Let's draw back! Suna can kill us! There is no reason to fight over (Random/Name)s death!" [F/n] yells.

"[F/n] stop being a wimp, we need to avenge (R/n)!" Madara yells.

"[F/n] we can not retreat" Tobirama says.

"But one death is not worth the rest of Konoha!" [F/n] tries to reason. The army of Suna getting closer.

"[F/n] do not back down, you said you would do anything for us, well we are asking you to fight with us" Izuna says while holding [F/n]s chin.

[F/n]s eyes look away from the group and eventually the battle. starts.

'Shit the Kazekage is going to create the reaper death seal!' [F/n]s thoughts get cut off as their body starts moving quickly to the Kazekage.

'No! No! Stop! I will die! Fuck!' Was all that was going through their head.

Soon enough they start to feel all of their chakra going out of control.

"8th Gate!" [F/n] yells and a huge Dragon of chakra appears. 'No! I dont want to die!'

Suddenly a memory of [F/n]s tiny group comes up. 'No, I need to do this so they don't have to fight anymore'

"W-what is this Chakra?! How can a person like this live in Konoha!?" The Kazekage exclaims.

"Shit! [F/N]!!!!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!" Hashirama, Madara, Tobirama and Izuna scream all at once.

"Flow" Was all [F/n] said and immediately the dragon of chakra starts to move everywhere and anywhere.

Once the dust cleared all of the weaker people that don't have a strong chakra are out dead or passed out.

Leaving only Hashirama, Tobirama, Izuna and Madara up but they are still crouching in pain.

"[F-f/n] is still standing! Let's go!" Hashirama yells and starts limping to the person.

Once He and Madara reach the person they both start to break down at the sight of their bloodied up Friend.

"H-hashi Ma-dara...?" They hear as they both look at the barely alive person.

"I-I'm glad you're s-still alive..." [F/n] says with a small dying smile.

"Maybe w-we could have *insert a fit of coughs* s-spent more time with e-eachother huh?" They say shakily.

"[F/n]! Save your words, we can heal you! Right stupid tree?!" Madara yells.

"I'm...I'm out of chakra if I heal them then we both will die, I can't leave my brother alone!" Hashirama yells back.

"Why are you so selfish!! I should have never agreed to the peace treaty!" Madara screams.

Soon [F/n] see 2 other bodies approaching them.

"I am g-glad I got to see you all again one last time...but I'm afraid it is time" [F/n] says with a curt smile.

They say and soon enough their chakra depletes and those once loving (E/c) eyes become dull. The 2 pairs of brothers are left to mourn over their best childhood friend.

Soon enough they start to go around to find the other Konoha soldiers that are still alive.

At the Funerals

There standing in front of [F/n] [L/n]s grave are only 7 people.
The other Mouners are glaring, spitting and swearing curses at the now dead [L/n].

'It is their fault my loved ones died' They all thought.

Other then the 4, Young Choza, Inoichin and Shikaku are there standing, sobbing over their senseis death.

"You all were there! Why didn't you stop Sensei!? Why!? You knew them better then any one of us!!! So why did you let it happen!? WHY DAMN IT!?" Choza screams punching Hashiramas chest.

"Choza! Enough! Crying won't bring [L/n]-Sensei back from the dead!" Inoichin yells grabbing his teammates wrist.

"Sensei said they loved us all.. Why didn't you try to save them? Why....?" Shikaku asks falling to the ground.

On the gravestone all it said on it was, 'Taijutsu Master, friend, enemy to many, Sensei. KIA'

"We did try..." Madara whispers his throat clogging up.

"No, you didn't and you know it" Shikaku says and the trio walks to their Ex-Senseis home.

The 4 adults look to the gravestone as it was starting to rain harder.

They start to cry in the heart rather their faces all look blank.

With the team

"Sensei...why did you leave? You still had so much to teach me..." Choza whispers before seeing a picture of [F/n] smiling brightly with Choza, Shikaku and Inoichi.

With Shikaku at the left, Inoichi in the middle and Choza in the right.

"We miss you Sensei" Inoichin whispers.

"Hey there are letters on the table..." Shikaku says pointing it out.

The trio all walk over to the table and it has 7 letters each with names.

Shikaku passes the letters with the trio's names on them and each of them reads the letters to themselves.

"S-sensei!" Choza screams and starts to sob once more.

"I'm glad you found these, You three will be important for the next generation to come" A voice says and they all turn to see a transparent version of their sensei.

"Later~!" [F/n] says with a smile and the version disperses everywhere causing a ray of sun light to come upon 8 flowers in different colors.

Not me putting an angsty chapter. Anyways hope you enjoyed. I will probably start working on those chapters now.

952 Words!

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