Scenerio: You/Them make it Official

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"So will we make it official for everyone to know or do you want it in secret?" Hashi asks.

You look at him teasingly and a bit annoyed.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the Hokages room? And I'm pretty sure everyone knows your mine" you say. It appears that you want to dominate the literal tree for brain.

He blushes and naughty thoughts go inside his noggin. "But it appears you want too make it official Tree-man, so I guess it can't be helped" you say with a shrug.

He looks at you and you can literally see the stars in his eyes. You kiss him lightly and he leaves to go tell everyone.


"Senju, let's talk" Madara says.

You grunt in acknowledgement and continue to read the book 'What Emotions are and How to Control them'. Hashi gave it to you and you never actually read it for the reason being 'What's the point?'

"Yes Love?" You ask as he goes in to give you a hug.

"I want to make us official my little Songbird" He says. You blush at the nickname but nod at him.

"Okay Love" you say and go back to reading. He gets up off you and literally runs off into the unknown.


"Tobi I love you, you know that right?" You say. He looks at you and puts his scroll down.


"Can I tell others that you are mine?" You ask. He nods and goes back to reading his scroll.

You go to tell Mito everything and it goes out like wild fire and now everyone knows.


"(Namme)!!!" Izuna calls. You have recently just gotten back from your 1 month mission.

"Yo" you say.

"Soooooo, I did something..." He says.

You grunt and drag yourself to hug Izuna and you lean into your best friend and boyfriends touch.

"Whatchu do now?" You ask tiredly.

"I told everyone I'm dating you, and the kids from your clan laughed at me" he said. You could practically feel his pouting.

"Eh okay, can we go cuddle now? I'm tired" You mumble. He nods and picks you up to his room and you cuddle him to near death. But not that he minds.

I have no idea why I did this chapter but sure. I hope you felt single like me. Anyways I also hope you liked this chapter.

401 words

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