Tobirama Oneshot

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Tobirama x Fem!Reader
Modern? Au
Requested by: humanpotato_2. Fluff. Thank you for requesting! Enjoy.

2nd pov

"Hey [L/n]-Sama! Ya want to go to the beach?!" Sarutobi Hiruzen yells from the entrance.

You turn to Tobirama. You are currently outside looking at the flowers in your garden and Tobirama is under a tree reading a boring scroll.

"Tell him no, if he sees me he is going to force me to go as well" Tobirama says moving away from plain sight.

You roll your eyes before getting up. "No thanks Sarutobi, I have things to do inside" You say as you approach the teenager.

You see him pout but he nods in understanding and walks away.

"Tobirama, get out of the shade, its beautiful today!" You scold at the albino man in the shade.

"I can get sunburn though..." he mutters shuddering at the memory of him being awfully red one summer.

"Well why don't you cover yourself in water or mud?" You ask stupidly.

Tobirama glares your way before walking out of his hiding spot.

"Oh good, we can go inside now" You mutter as you grasp the albinos hand.

You feel his hands warm and so you look up to see a red Tobirama.

You smile and continue to walk inside. "I'm hungry...You want to help me make food?" You ask as soon as you reach the kitchen.

The house isn't very big for the reason 'Big houses are mazes and I don't feel like reading signs in order to figure out which one is the toilet'.

Anyways Tobirama nods and starts to get some ingredients already knowing what to make.

"Hm...are we making fried fish sticks?" You question.
"Yes" Tobirama whispers.

You get a wonderful idea and start to get sugary ingredients. 'I'll make brownies!' You cheer mentally.

Tobirama notices though and moves closer to you and slowly starts putting the things out of reach.

"You said I would HELP you not DO it and you do something else" he says with hard eyes.

"Its for dessert! Come on! It'll taste good!" You say with a small smile curving its way on your face.

Of course you knew that Tobirama would melt so you gave him a hug and a bunch of cheek kisses.

"Fine.." He mumbles while turning a fair shade of pink.

You smile brightly and cheer. "Yay! Let's hurry though" you say as your stomach rumbles.

He sighs and nods starting to cut the fish and making sure there are no fins to choke you or himself.

You on the other hand forget how to make Brownies and run to your awfully large cook book.

'Okay! Let's try this again!' You cheer mentally.

Within the half hour, you make a mess on your face and pants yet don't seem to notice.

Tobirama now finishing up the meal starts to notice how concentrated you look and starts to admire your features.

"Finally! Now in the oven they must go" you say in a fake fancy voice.

You turn your head and see the meal that is in Tobirama hands. "You are so good! I'm glad I married you" you laugh.

Tobirama lightly chuckles and places the plates down. He walks towards you with a napkin.

You look at him confused. "What is there something on my face?" You ask.

He wipes off the brownie batter off of you. "You are so messy.." he mumbles.

Your heart skips a beat at this dreamy look he has. In a instant you jump on him and start giving him kisses on his cheek, nose, forehead and lips.

"You are amazing!" You say with the brightest smile.

"So are you, now let's eat"

621 words!

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